Diet, Exercise and Cholesterol

About two years ago when I had a minor infection and finally had to go see my doctor, I had some blood tests done as part of the routine workup. The doctor said that my total cholesterol was 240 and my HDL was 43. I was told that this was merely borderline OK and that I should try to improve the numbers.

Finally this January, having stayed at virtually the same weight since that time (5 ft. 10 in. -- 204.5 lbs), I decided to do something about it. And so I renewed my gym membership. It wasn't until February that I really started. Since that time I have gone to the gym 6 days a week and my routine is stair climber (15 mins), elliptical trainer (ski-looking machine)(30 mins) and "versaclimber" (30 mins). Recently I have substituted 20 mins on the bike for the stair machine on alternate days. On one set of alternate days I also do seven circuit trainer weights machines (around 20 mins), and on the other set, I do the "gravitron" pullup machine.

In addition I changed my diet. I took two recipes from Dr. Roy Walford's book Beyond the 120 Year Diet ((c)2000) and split them over three meals. After lunch I have 2 pieces of fruit, and at tea time I eat peanut butter and jam on toast for a snack. Late at night I might have some grapes or other fruit. This means that for most of the week I am a vegetarian. I have to say that I rarely feel hungry on this diet, though. On Friday I have one of the "Guiltless Grill" sandwiches at Chili's at lunch.

Here are the results as of June 23, 2005.

Date Weight BF Pct.* Total Chol. HDL LDL Tri-Glicerides
Summer 2003 204.5 240 43
23 June 2005 170.0 16-19 % 179 68 95 82
*body fat percent per my Tanita brand "Ultimate Scale"

My weight loss chart.

My weight loss chart.