Earth-Sky's Gardening Site!
My name is Earth-Sky. I simply love the outdoors--breathing in the fresh air, seeing the beautiful animals, and smelling the precious flowers. That's why I love to garden. It might also be one of the reasons I love to travel. I also love the arts. Whenever I compose art I am inspired by nature. And lastly, I am fastinated by anything mystical and magical--the zodiac, astrology, ESP, angels, aliens, dreams, mythology, astronomy, and so on. On this web site you will find all of these things, plus much more! Enjoy!!
Visit my chat room by clicking on the graphic above!
Click on the graphic above to go to my boardroom (it's like a message board)!
If you have any questions or comments please email me!
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Click on the graphic below to sign/view my guestbook! Please do sign it because that's the only way I'll know if you were here!
I'd like to thank my brother, Ben for helping me with my site.
Please note that this site will change each month. If I am a little late changing it, please bear with me.