Opvang- en Studie Centrum vzw Centre d'accueil et d'étude
des loups asbl Shelter for wolves - Tierheim für
Our first beloved Lucke did arrive in
our premises on November 1st, 1997 in a very bad condition. This
hybrid was specially bred to be a police dog. Our friends of 'Gesellschaft
zum Schutz der Wölfe - Regionalgruppe Bayern - Herrn R. Doenicke
sheltered this animal for a short time. He received Lucke from an
92 year old man, no longer able to care for the wolf-hybride. Because of
too little facilities, our organization was asked to shelter Lucke.
Toendra, an adult female of 4 years did arrive a
few months ago. She was kept in a private zoo to breed youngsters to be
sold. Now she became to old for the job and her former owner would euthanase
her. Luckily for her, our organization was fast enough to rescue
Toendra. It took some time to be adopted to her new home, but today
she feels very happy. She even plays with the people feeding Lucke and
her .