fan? Then visit my other site: 
February 23d, 2008
Oh my! I just realised that the old server where I used to host my site has gone down. So now I've relocated the entire Creatures Jungle site to my own server. It's ad free and you can get all the old cobs and other downloads again. This is an old site and I haven't had the time to check it. So if you find any broken links or other problems, please contact me...:)
21st, 2004
and behold, I updated! Well, don't expect it to become a habit
though. I'm busy enough with my Sims site and other ventures.
But I might sneak in a few things now and then.
For those who have been asking me about where to get Creatures
and Creatures 2 these days, I have a better answer now. Gameware
Europe has announced on their site that they will be re-releasing
Creatures in the US with certain publishers this fall. Here's
the link: Gameware
Europe. So if you're looking for the games, I suggest
you start there. I also found a link where you can buy Creatures
and Creatures 2 RIGHT NOW (whopee)! They have been unavailable
for far too long. The product is a bundle of Creatures and
Creatures 2 and it's called Creatures - The Albian Years.
Here's the link: Shop
at Gameplay. And here's some more info about Creatures
- The Albian Years: Read
about it at Gamespot.
11th, 2004
Hey everyone! I just updated the New Worlds
section; took away the bad links and added a bunch of new
worlds/metarooms. I've also finally bought some norn packs
from the new Gameware site. So far I have the hardman and
treehugger norns. Siamese are next! Well, see ya. :)
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