Save the Rhino!
This page last updated December 13, 2007
There's just not enough being done.
Wow! Emi has now produced two calves, the second coming on July 30th, 2004 - a girl named Suci. Just over three years ago, for the first time in 112 years, a Sumatran rhinoceros was bred and born in captivity. This gave a lot of hope for one of the most endangered mammals on our planet. It all happened at the Cincinnati Zoo on September 13, 2001. September 11th of that year was indeed a terrible day for our civilization, but two days later we had a little miracle to restore some of our faith. The little guy was been named Andalas. Andalas was moved to the Los Angeles Zoo to make room for his sister.
Visit their site at the link below to read about it and check in on the mother .
I have been fascinated by these creatures since I was about 5 years old.  My nickname at university was Rhino.  Some people, well maybe a lot, think I am a bit too concerned with this large herbivore.  If you've seen an Ontario license plate 1RHINO in the Toronto or Durham areas, then you already have passed my way.  I want to set up a site where anyone interested in rhinos can find out more about these animals and what is currently being done to preserve them for future generations.  Maybe a few others will even come to like the rhinoceros and catch the fever.  Like many other endangered species, they are indicative of our not-so-successful attempt to cohabitate this planet.  I will set up some links to sites so that visitors can find out more about rhinos.  If you know of other links, or would like to link your site, please e-mail me and I will try to improve this site.  Recent news about the wonder drug Viagra may actually serve to help the plight of the rhino.  Let's hope that worldwide promotion of this drug happens quickly before it's too late.
Links to other sites on the Web:
World Wildlife Foundation - UK Home Page
SOS Rhino
International Rhino Foundation
If you have comments or advice, please e-mail me at