Troop 257 is a Cadette/Senior Troop

During the 2002-2003 year we did the following.

Service Project to encourage voting. We created bookmarks and left them at Wethersfield Public Library to distribute. This service project also allowed the two girls who had not bridged from Junior Girl Scouts to Cadette Girl Scouts to do that.

In November, we went to Northhampton YMHA and spent an overnight with older Girl Scouts from all over. Most of the girls managed to stay up all night.

January was winter camping at Timber Trails. Besides playing in the snow, we made candles, facials, and Italian bread.

Along with 6th grade Girl Scout Troop, we organized a Brownie TryIt Day . The Brownies earned 2 Tryits - Math Fun and Ready Set Go. The day ended with a hotdog roast.

We have had to postpone our trip to New York City two times. Maybe next year. This last time we went to see the movie Finding Nemo.

We are also planning to go to London in February of 2005. This page created and maintained by Girl Scout Troop 257, Connecticut Valley Girl Scout Council of GSUSA

For comments regarding the contents of this page, contact us at
Last updated: 6/4/03