Malaria & Other Tropical Diseases in Guyana
Guyana , Amazon fronteir, Land of many waters
Guyana - Malaria Cases ( new cases) Totals by year ( details to follow later) as recorded by the National Malaria Control Program
Year | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 |
Cases | 33,923 | 59,311 | 34,075 | 32,103 | 39,370 (52,244 *?-2 figures are given by Min of Health | 27,283 (*) | 24,018 (data released Feb 2001) | 23,000 | 25,000 | ? |
"*" means that this data was revised by a new program head after initial publication. This data may not not include "all" malaria cases treated outside of the public health system ( ie self medication & private sector , tradational health providers etc. Data Source, Ministry of Health Department of Communicable Diseases.
Hi ' I am Lloyd Validum ,
Medical Doctor and Malariologist. This is a personal Homepage and
contains information surronding my interest and the status of
malaria and other tropical diseases in Guyana as seen from the
point of view of my medical work., Disclaimer, The views expressed here are personal and do not reflect the position of any other person(s) or Agency known or unknown to me, material appearing on these pages is only for general information and is not meant to replace proper professional consultation or advice.
Personal Information:
I was trained in Medicine, in Havana
Cuba. Graduating in 1986 after internship at the Georgetown
Hospital in Guyana, I proceeded to a one year course in
Malariology at the School of Malariology in Maracay, Venezuela (
Escuela de Malariologia).
From 1987 I worked in clinical , epidmiological entomological and all other aspects of malaria control in the Vector Control Service ( Guyanese Malaria Control Service). In my clinical experience I mostly see malaria cases but have my fair share of Filaria, Dengue,Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and other tropical conditions. Presently I am in private practice mostly clinical work but some consultancy in malaria control, teaching and a little research.
My wife Ceceila, is a registered Nurse-Midwife and helps me to run my clinic. We have three children all boys, Daryl, Dwayne. Damian.
My special areas of interest can be grouped as follows:
If you are interested in going
further you will find some interesting maps and charts in the
following pages, so click below to continue to another page
Optimal Rapid Malaria Test ( old format).
More to come !
Drop me an e mail, to e mail meClick here
Last update December 28th 13;00 Hrs Georgetown Guyana time