Hi! Welcome to Sparkdog's Orchid Run! My name is Sparky but my friends know me as Sparkdog. I'd like to show you some pictures of orchids grown in and around my home. 
 Click to Choose Genus

I don't actually grow these orchids myself, of course. Honestly, I can't even turn on the faucet! Anyway I'm far too busy with my other pursuits: licking, scratching, sniffing gross things and chasing cats and birds.
I leave the culture of these beautiful blooms to my live-in horticulturist. I don't mind offering a tip or two but I leave the work to him. 
If you think you need a greenhouse to grow orchids consider that these plants are grown in a condominium and sun deck here in San Jose, California. You can judge the results yourself!
 Cattleya Tribe
 Oncidium Tribe
Misc Genera

Comments or Questions?
E-mail to sprkdg@ix.netcom.com