Thank you for visiting my Big Cats Page. I've always been an admirer of these magnificent animals. These pages are dedicated to the preservation of the Big Cats, because once they are extinct, they are gone forever. I hope that, while you are here, you will both have a good time, and learn to appreciate them. All I ask is that you remember that many of these pictures are Copyrighted, and if you wish to take them for your personal page, that you please Email Me.

My page crashed here about 2 months ago, so I am constantly working to get it back up to par. If you have an interest with a certain type of Big Cat, and you don't see a page for them- please bare with me, or feel free to Email Me and say something. Hopefully, my site won't crash again.

I would also love for you to leave your mark by signing my Guestbook.

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Updated: 4/14/01 17:00:25 Ctl.

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