Welcome to the Wonderful World of FrogZ101!!!

BEWARE! This site is under major CONSTRUCTION!!!

Last updated August 9, 1999...
Hi! Welcome to the home of the one and only FrogZ101! Sorry for the mess! This place is still under major construction. If you have any helpful suggestions or comments, please feel free to email me at frogz101@hotmail.com.

Who Am I?

Hi! My name is frogz (well...not really) and I reside here in beautiful Lawton, Oklahoma. I attend Cameron University where I work as a student assistant for the women's basketball team, the Lady Aggies. For more info on our team, please check out the links below. In just a few short weeks I will begin my junior year of college. Here in Oklahoma we have the world's most highly acclaimed herds of buffalo, longhorn, and other exotic wildlife. And don't forget the Prairie Dogs!!! I have lived with my family (Ma, Pa, and brother Brett) here in Lawton nearly all my life. I love playing basketball and soccer, hanging out with friends, music, movies, etc. For additional info on who exactly is frogz101, check out Who is Frogz101?

Summer Stuff:

Last June of 1998, a group of five of us from our basketball team traveled to Eastern Europe for a mission trip/basketball tour through the ministry of Christian Outreach International. Check out A Step Outside for a glimpse into our two week journey overseas.

Do you feel THREATENED? Is somebody invading YOUR SPACE? Check out the Stalker Identification page, and together we can stop the madness! Remember! WE STALK STALKERS SO THEY WON'T STALK YOU!!!

What's going on in the World of Women's Basketball? Check out the Tennessee Lady Vols on their way to the Final Four! Also check out the WNBA and what's to come in the fourth season of Women's Professional Basketball!

Don't forget to stop by the humble beginnings of my page dedicated to Poetry and other literature. Check out an excerpt from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and others I'm still working on. If you have something you would like to see published in the World of FrogZ101, please let me know!
Are you looking for a little love in your life? Well, then you've come to the WRONG place! But, check out All You Need is Love anyways and you never know what you might find!

A Glimpse of Things to Come:

Hey Everybody from the Lawton High School Senior Class of 1998! Watch for details coming soon on "Class of Champions" dedicated to the Class of '98. Here's a little peak of what we're trying to put together here. Check out Class of Champions!
And to all the Lawton High Wolverine Soccer Players:

Hanta Yo! K*Some*A! Huh!

Links to other sites on the Web

My Brother's Homepage
Save the Prairie Dogs!!!
Christian Outreach International
Lady Aggie Basketball

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Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. Charles William Dement

© 1997 frogz101@hotmail.com

as of July 4, 2000

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