The Environmental Club Of Sycamore
Welcome to the ECOS home page!.
Earlier this year, fourth grade students at Sycamore School in Indianapolis started an environmental club. The club's goals include helping Sycamore students learn about important environmental issues and getting ECOS members more involved in "hands on" projects that help the environment. Sycamore spanish teacher Senora Myriam Thompson is the club sponsor and fourth grade teacher Ms. Susan Vieth is co-sponsor.
As you explore our Web page, you'll also see that many ECOS projects creatively combine ways for students to help the environment while improving their Spanish language skills. Excelente! Si?
We'll be using our Web page to showcase the exciting projects that club members are working on. Since many of these projects will be "in progress", we'll also use this site to help organize project activities and deadlines. We hope that you'll visit the ECOS Web page often to see what we're doing!

"Salva la Tierra"
Sycamore's fourth grade spanish class has started a project called "Salva la Tierra" ("Save the Earth" en espanol) to raise money for protecting the Costa Rica rain forests!
Rain Forest Simulation Room
The Rain Forest Simulation Room let Sycamore kindergarden through third grade students learn more about rain forests and conservation.

Earth Day
ECOS will be coordinating some special Earth Day projects at Sycamore School and in the Indianapolis community.
Sycamore fourth graders completed reports about different biomes around the world and identified various environmental problems that are affecting each biome. Each student also came up with a "Kid Power Solution" for helping our environment!!

Book Mark It!
Here's a suggestion to help make it easier to come to the ECOS web site. Using your Web browser, select "favorites" and make the ECOS page one of your favorite addresses (we're sure it will be). The next time you use your browser, you can just click on "Favorites" and connect to the ECOS home page without entering (whew!).

If you would like to send e-mail to ECOS, our E-mail address is Please make sure that you include the "_" in front of ecos when you address your e-mail!
You might also want to visit one of the sites below to learn more about the Costa Rican rain forest.
Photo-journey through a Costa Rican rainforest.
Foundation dedicated to the preservation of the Costa Rican rainforest.
Images, sounds, and stories from journeys in the Costa Rican rainforests.
Our GeoCities RainForest neighborhood has some cool links to all kinds of environmental info.

Before you leave, please sign our guest book.
We hope you come back soon!
Hasta La Vista!!
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