Mark's Works

The Visions of Mi'Kmaq Artist Mark Dorey


His Mi'Kmaq name, Wabec Kitpoo Gadew Sogchet, means White Eagle Wants to Fly. He is a painter, Sculptor, Carver, and many other things. He was born and raised on the Eastern Coast of Nova Scotia




Mark's art comes straight from the heart. He remembers things from dreams and brings them into our world through the doorway of his work.








Mark has experimented with many mediums and has been successful with most. His love is antler and bone but. surprisingly, he works mostly in stone. About once a year he will produce one painting.







He has created many objects which are presently being used by spiritual leaders from several different First Nations including Ojibwa, Cree, Algonquin, Mohawk, Mi'Kmaq and others. These objects include a Medicine Lance, a Sacred Pipe, a Sacred Bundle (Medicine Bag), a Medicine Lodge Pipe Stand, Healing Rattles, Prayer Fans etc. These objects are given free of charge when he is asked to make them, He has been so honored many times by his elders.




Mark is a follower of the old traditions. He frequents the Medicine Lodge often and is in close contact witht he elders of his and other peoples of the First Nations.







Mark's work can be seen and/or purchased in:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada at The Bay of Spirits Gallery, and the Guild Gallery.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at The Jack Pine Gallery, The Snow Goose Gallery, Canada's Four Corners, and Art Mode Gallery.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada at The Mi'Kmaq Heritage Gallery, and on the Curve Lake Indian Reserve at Whetung Gallery.

Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada at The Gallerie Sovtana.




Mark's work is beautifully crafted in great detail. His 3-dimensional figures come to life with tremendous force and are breathtaking in their exquisite detail and originality. The Bird/Animal Rattles are perfection, and are vivid in both colour and composition. His range of artistic vision is unimaginable.







Today Mark lives in the Kingston, Ontario area and works from an East end studio dubbed "The Eagles Nest".









Mark's hobbies include fishing, writing fiction and poetry, music, cooking, horse back riding, and naturalism.





Commissions are Taken By Contacting Mark Dorey At (613) 542-4525 or (613) 372-0997, If you have an interest in seeing or purchasing my creations please feel free to contact me through my email address or phone. And check into this page for addresses and times of my latest art displays.




August 20-27, 2000

At The Guild Shop Gallery

118 Cumberland St.

Toronto Ontario




October 21, 2000

At Dog Lake

Sunbury Ontario




For More information contact Mark at:

(613) 542-4525 - 9 to 5 monday to friday or;

(613) 372-0997 - 6 to 10 monday to friday and weekends

or "The one of a kind show" at (416) 960-3680


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It should be noted that no animals are ever harmed or killed so that he can create his work. All animal components that he uses are gathered from accidental and natural deaths and the proper ceremonies are conducted in order to honor the dead.