Lemon Verbena Herb Society

Lemon Verbena Herb Group
                                                                         Photo by Dennis Campbell
Lemon Verbena Herb Society
East Lansing, Michigan
What is Lemon Verbena lemon verbena plant 
Aloysia triphylla  Verbenaceae 

Here is an herb that migrated from the New World to the Old. Lemon verbena is an unassuming shrub that charmed the Spanish explorers who happened upon it in Argentina and Chile. There, the shrubs grow to 10 to 15 feet tall, but because they are so sensitive to cold weather, North Americans usually confine them to containers. 
     Lemon verbena is a deciduous woody shrub which has a distinctive lemon fragrance. Flowers: Lavender; tiny, tubular, two equal lips four stamens (two short, two long); four-toothed calyx; in spikes or racemes from leaf axils. Leaves: Light green, lanceolate, pointed, margins slightly toothed or toothless, fringed with hairs, short stalks, 2-4 inches long 1/2 - 1 inch wide; in whorls of three or four. Fruit: Two seedlike nutlets enclosed by a calyx. Height: 10-15 ft. outdoors in warm climates, to 5 ft. in cooler latitudes or indoors.

What is Lemon Verbena Herb Society      The Lemon Verbena Herb society was organized on August 10, 1987 as a Branch of Woman's National Farm and Garden Association, Inc. the Branch disaffiliated itself from WNF&GA on June 10, 1991 and became the Society. 
     The purpose of the Society is to stimulate an interest in herbal gardening; cooking with herbs; herb crafts; and civic improvement and community service. 
     Lemon Verbena is unusual for a gardening group. Our meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 in the evening which allows working women to attend. Our 64 members come in all ages (12 to 80), in all vocations (teachers, business owners, members of the faculty and staff at Michigan State University, as well as retirees) and all interest. In order to provide stimulating programs that meet the members' interest, our monthly programs are either based on culinary, craft, medicinal or gardening areas.
 Projects of Lemon Verbena
Click An Item Below
Nokomis thumbnail
Nokomis Native American Garden
Tussie Mussie Thumbnail
Tussie Mussie Garden
Cook Book Thumbnail
Herbal Cookbook
Newsletter Thumbnail
Current Monthly Newsletter

Member Websites:
Scents & Sundries (http://members.aol.com/herbsoaps/scents.htm) hosted by members Coleen French and Deb DeLong
Travelers Club International Resturant & Tuba Museum (http://www.sojourn.com/~traveler/) hosted by member
    Jennifer Brooke and partner William White

Friends of Lemon Verbena Websites:
Partners in Crime (http://www.tstar.net/~china/index.html)is the home of China Gardens. It is a website devoted to mystery writing with an herbal theme. The site is hosted by Susan Wittig Albert and Bill Albert

Previous Newsletters:
November 1997  Holiday recipies, lady's mantle herb study, arthritis soup.
January 1998...Lemon Verbena bylaws, Members Teach Community, Cerebreal Gardening, Christmas Trees Keep on Giving
February 1998  Garden Tours of England, Scotland, and the Mississippi River

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