Labcoat Man is the product of an unstable mind (me). When I was chosen to be a cartoonist for my high school's newspaper, I needed ideas for cartoons. One of my friends suggested that I make a superhero called Labcoat Man. I, jokingly, accepted his idea, and I created the weird vigilante. After I worked my magic, I found out that my superhero looked like me. I have assumed his identity, and now roam the halls of the college I go to as LABCOAT MAN!!!

On this website, you will find out about Labcoat man's powers and various tools that he uses to combat crime. Later, I will create action-packed adventures that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, click on the links below and increase your knowledge about a very interesting topic. Oh and by the way, please click on some of the links at the bottom.

Welcome to the world of Labcoat Man!!!

How did Labcoat Man come to be?
Where is his hideout?
How does Labcoat Man use flasks?
Labcoat Man's arm armor!
Face armorment
Can Labcoat Man fly?

Labcoat Man's Adventures

The Evil Lunch Lady!!!!!

Labcoat Man saves Bill Gates!!

The Mystery of the Labcoat Solved!

An Arch-Villian?


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