- Name: David Banz
- Birthday: October 5, 1975
- Location: Cologne, Germany
- E-Mail: banz@xmailer.informatik.uni-bonn.de
- Homepage:Neri's Island
- Interests: SciFi, sythesizer music, computer games and graphics, Japanese animation (Anime)
- Favourite tv series: Ocean Girl, Babylon 5
- Favourite movies: Star Wars Trilogy, The Abyss, Venus Wars, Aladdin, The Lion King, Toy Story
- Favourite musicians: Chris Hülsbeck, John Williams, Garry McDonald, Laurie Stone, Michael Garrison, Christopher Franke, Tangerine Dream, Hans Zimmer
- Favourite actors/actresses: Marzena Godecki, Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan
- Favourite operating system: Linux :-)
- Name: Jon Bishop
- Email:babyface@jps.net
- mindripper@mindless.com
- Birth Date: March 24, 1982
- Web: www.jps.net/babyface/
- Location: Monticello, IN, USA
- Interests: Computers, T.V., Music(Metallica, Pantera,The Prodigy, etc...), Movies, Reading, The occult, vampires, foreign religions, E-Mail(especially getting it), and freinds(without them your life isn't complete).
- Name: Mads Cleve Christensen
- Nickname: Xanatic
- Birthdate: 27th October 1980
- Location: Hoerup, Sydals, Denmark
- Interests: Hanging out with friends, science, the paranormal, going to
the movies, reading, computer stuff.
- Favorite series: Red Dwarf, Brisco Country Junior, X-files, Ocean Girl
- Favorite actors/actresses: Bruce Campbell, Fairuza Balk.
- Favorite musicians: Beach Boys, No Doubt, No Mercy, Savage Garden,
Roxette, Queen.
- Favorite movie: SpaceBalls.
- Favorite book: The Alchemist by Peter James.
- Goal in life: To make a difference, hopefully for the better :)
- Other useless info: I´m addicted to grapes. :)
- Name: Stephanie
- E-mail: fosterwm@mailman.ghgcorp.com
- Birth date: August 21, 1985
- Location: LaPorte, Texas (USA)
- Interests:(TV Shows): Ocean Girl, Ready or Not, Spellbinder, Flash Foward, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, In the House.
- Hobbies: piano, band (clarinet), writing, swimming,internet, E-mail, art.
- Favorite actors/actresses: Marzena Godecki, David Hoflin, Will Smith.
- Favorite singer: Le Ann Rimes
- Name: Aaron J. Metzger
- Birthday: July 8, 1981
- Home: Gloucester, VA.
- E-Mail:
- Web Page: Work in Progress
- Favorite TV Shows: Sliders, X-Files, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ocean Girl, Spellbinder, any and all Anime, Drew Carry Show, Home Improvement, Jay Leno, Voltron, Highlander, and anything else that I deam worthy.
- Interests: Magic: The Gathering, Net Runner, RPG's, programming,reading, computers, video games, creative writing(mostly poetry), the OG mailing list, TV, movies, music(listening, not playing), Boy Scouts,camping, debating, and stuff.
- Name: Alexander Noack
- Nick: Jali (pronounced Charley)
- Email: jali@mail.netwave.de
- Web:
- Birthday: Nov 8, 1973
- Location: Bremen, Germany
- Interests: T.V.: Ocean Girl, Ready or Not, Babylon 5
- Hobbies: Computers Astronomy, Movies, Writing, Reading,Hanging out with freinds.
- Favorite Actors/actresses: Marzena Godecki,Lana Billiard, Imogen Stubbs, Patrick Steward, Ian Holm.
- Favorite Bands: Pink Floyd, Laura Love, Maria McKee.
- Favorite Books: Dune(Frank Herbert), Rendevous with RAMA(Arthur C. Clarke)
- Name: Richard Schouten
- Email: aztec77@wxs.nl
- theaztec@geocities.com
- Birth Date: March 23, 1977
- Web:
- Location: Nijkerk, Netherlands
- Interests: Television, Comics, Movies, IRC, E-Mail, Music(both listening and making), shopping, Drawing/writing, ancient coultures, my freinds,and the occult.
- Name: Philip Watts
- Email: pwatts@ozonline.com.au
- Web:
- Birthday: Nov 11, 1966
- Location: Melbourne, Australia
- Interests: Cycling, cartooning, computer graphics, travel, worked as editor and computer graphics designer on Ocean Girl.
- Note: Phil is no longer on the OGML, but I feel that he still belongs on our page because of the immense amount of help his graphics have been to this page.
- Name: Rob
- Location: Victoria B.C. Canada
- Date of Birth: August 29th, 1979
- Hobbies: Scuba diving, Marine Biology, Under water photography.
- E-Mail: ash@ampsc.com
- Favorite Shows: Ocean Girl, First Wave.
- Fasvorite Movies: Star Trek first Contact, star trek insurection.
- Favoite Band: Various selection
- Favorite actors/Actresses: None other than Marzena Godecki, and clare Dains.
- Info about Self: Retired from 2 year Air force Service now following a
career of Under Water Studies as stated above.
- Name: Catherine
- Location: Montreal, Canada
- Date of birth: March 20 1984
- e-mail: heavensdevil101@sympatico.ca
- Favorite actor/actress: Gillian Anderson, Marzena Godecki, David Hoflin, Megan Follows
- Interests: Music, Ocean Girl, The X-Files, Painting, Piano, Girl Guides, movies, and pretty much everything