GLobal Warming

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Global Warming is an environmental issue facing the World today. Many people around the world are trying to make an effort to enlighten the world about global warming, and teach people how to stop it. Of course there are skeptics out there who say that global warming is imaginary, and that the earth just has mood swings through temperature, and that global warming won’t be permanent. But for now, global warming is real.
Global warming is the entrapment of heat in the atmosphere by "greenhouse gases", mainly carbon dioxide. As the trapped heat builds up from more heat entering the atmosphere everyday, the earth slowly gets warmer. Since 1900, Earth’s mean temperature has risen .9 degrees Fahrenheit. This may seem like a tiny bit, but since the Ice Age, Earth’s temperature has only risen 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit. The rate of increase in mean temperature seems drastically faster. By the looks of things in the atmosphere now, the temperature is going to rise a possible two degrees in the next fifty years, and that would have devastating effects.
Global warming is hot topic in today’s society, so click below to find out more about what global warming is, how its caused, what its effects are, what we can do about it, and more.

What Is global Warming?
How is it caused?
How does it effect us/the environment?
What can we do about it?
Skepticism: Is global warming real?

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