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- International Open Forum - The brothers and sisters at Hourglass2 Outpost (h2o) host this International Open Forum for fellowship and moderated discussions amongst Jehovah's Witnesses and other interested ones about the Bible, Christianity, religion and the Watchtower Society. Interactive live online chat is integrated seamlessly inside all forums. JW singles have their own forum for meeting prospective marriage mates. Instant messaging is provided so registered members who login can click on the screen names of those who login, and page them to say "hi" or invite them to chat. You can send a private note to the message box of anyone who posts. They are privately alerted to your message the moment they login by a blinking incoming message link above each forum. This form of communication is similar to email, but the sender and receiver keep their identities private through double-blind message boxes without using regular email. Your H2O message box will even archive old messages for later retrieval. Select the International Forum link above to visit H2O's forums and chat areas.
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HEADLINE Did some of Jesus Christ's little lambs fall through the cracks of Jehovah's organization? Read the full story
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Advisory: this site is not officially endorsed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York or its corporations. The only site known to be officially endorsed by the Society is http://www.watchtower.org/ and you are encouraged to visit this site for research on the exact official beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.
Visit this page for information if the discussion forums become inaccessible, or you are unable to post. You may also email H2O at hourglass2outpost@hotmail.com if you experience difficulties on our forums or live chat areas.
Not only the rainforests
but the entire globe
will be fully restored
by the Higher Power
who even transforms
the laws of physics
for our good, as he did
for the ancient Israelites . . .
"They did not thirst when he
led them through the deserts;
- he made water flow for them from the rock;
- he split the rock and water gushed out
- (Isaiah 48:21 New International Version
of the Holy Bible)
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Abuse of Jesus Christ's sheep in Jehovah's organization possible?Visit SILENTLAMBS.ORG for documented information!
No more silence of the lambs! Click on this lamb's photo for full story!
Silent lamb image credit: FARM SANCTUARY
Click on left photo to read the tragic abuse of a real lamb named Hilda! While Silentlambs.org is helping defenseless children, those at Farm Santuary are helping helpless animals.

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