Mushrooms and fungi are a subject close to my heart. Whenever I take a stroll through my local woodland area, I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting species, and if I find one, I am reluctant to identifying it. The aim of this website is to share my experience of mushrooms and fungi with you. Though my knowledge on the subject isn't brilliant (I'm only an amateur), I know enough to get by! Anyway, have a look through my pages, and enjoy.



NEWS UPDATE - 01.07.02 .... Work on the site has kicked off big time this week, so expect the transition any day now. Keep popping back for updates! font>

NEWS UPDATE - 18.03.02 .... Well now, in the last 3 weeks, work has been underway on changing the website. Now this is no simple update, but a massive overhaul of the whole thing. We're talking a familiar new look, new features that will be added constantly and more. All pages are being refurbished to properly display on more people's browsers (changing html to frontpage). The major change though will occur last which is the Jersey photos section which I have big plans for. Also, due to the constant server problems which caused problems with access to the site, I am in the process of transfering the site to a new host. So, expect a new look SIMPLY FUNGI any day now!!!

NEWS UPDATE - 15.11.01 ....It has come to my attention that people are having problems accessing the site recently. This is due to excessive traffic resulting in temporary shut downs of the site! As this is happening almost daily, the site is having to move to a different host with extra traffic limits. More info on when this will occur soon.

NEWS UPDATE - 8.11.01 ....Over the coming few months, the "Fungi Photos from Jersey" section will be greatly expanded. The aim is to eventually include 'on location' photos of all fungi known to have been identified on the island. There is already a large database of photos available which will find themselves on the site soon. Expect a full list of identified fungi before the end of November. Of course, this will mean closure of the site at times, but I will inform you of these times. Exciting times eh!!!