Arizona Al's Home Page

I'm Al

(just before cutting the pony tail and beard!)

If the music bugs you:
Push the slider to the left, or clik on the little square to turn it off.

Some of my interests are:
politics, community, poetry and

My Home Page Topics will be:

Grassroots level politics,
Alternative building techniques,

Here are some of my favorite Internet places.
Clik on the left column text to see the page.
JenniferHere is one of my favorite authors. I don't know her personally, but I think her writing is incredible!
Jaguar/Shaman ideaBeginnings of a thesis.
Here is where I often go to visit friends. Some real fine people visit here!
Lady OwlThis lady is a very fine friend of mine. And she has a lovely site!
WillWill is a fine man, and his beautiful site has tons of computer related links.
JakeHere is one of my best friends. I don't think he writes very well! *laughing*
Pre-historic PlanningShamans, Jaguars, and Planning
Your name heredescriptive text here
Your name heredescriptive text here
Your name heredescriptive text here
Your name heredescriptive text here

If I haven't completely bored you yet, you might want to email me:

Please come back and visit me someday because I might actually get more done on this homepage!

Please be patient. I only have a vague idea of what I am doing! I'm a newbie!

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