Search Dogs Of Indiana
About K-9 SAR
Canine Search and Rescue is a specialized field of public safety and emergency service. Hundreds of canine handlers world-wide, have dedicated their time, energy and hearts to this task, a cause as noble as any. Acknowledged by only a few, but respected by many and with an aspiration to save some life, whatever be it's age.
The Hendricks County K-9 Search and Rescue Team is an all vounteer, not-for-profit organization, whose many caring, selfless volunteers dedicate their time, energy and love to the task of training canines, and the handlers who follow these incredible animals to lost people or people who cannot help themselves back home.
The sole purpose for this organization is to be available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, for rapid deployment of specialized search and rescue teams, to any emergency where the services of a tatical canine search and rescue team may prove beneficial in recovery of lost or missing persons.
The Hendricks County K-9 Search and Rescue Team does not and will not charge agencies or individuals for the services we provide. Instead, we rely on several fundraisers and the gracious hearts of donations in order to improve the quality of the training and the effectiveness of emergency response and operations.
Anyone wishing to make donations, or recieve more information may do so by writing to:
Hendricks County K-9 Search and Rescue Team714 E. Main Street
Danville, IN 46122
The Dove of Peace flies from site to site,through as many countries as possible. Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site, or by passing it on to a friend in another continent.
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In loving memory of Barney

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The Hendricks County K9 SAR Team
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© 1999 K9Car4@aol.com
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