<BGSOUND SRC="/cyndy_texas_40/Tears_in_Heaven.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The following pages tell about my daughter and her short life here on earth. God took her home to be with him on Oct. 14, 2004 what the cause? is uncertain she suddenly got sick 4 days before she went home to be with the Lord. Beth had been diagnoised with Lupus also Factor V leiden which is a heriditary gene mutation. She was also perscribed VIOXX. Now Jan. 18th 2005 we still do not have a positive cause of death. My heart aches for the sorrow it has brought this family. We all miss her greatly she left behind two wonderful daughters Kurstie Jade Holmes 5 and Kenzi Rochelle Homles 2 they are an isperation to go on. daily I am devistated. My tears have not stopped. I go on because I know that one day we will be in heaven together. 
Link to her pages
underlined text goes to other information pages and my pages that I have started about Beth's daughters
Today is June 7 2005 My Beautiful daughter is 28 today though she is not here on this earth with us she is still in our hearts those who love her are saddened today. she touched our lives so deaply it is  difficult to go through her speical day. I just want to close myself away from the world and cry all day. in feb. we got the reports back from the autopsy and the results said this
chemically induced lupis flair up ( It was so hard to beleive but, she was always dying her hair. but the exsessive use within 3 days of using hair dye caused the lupis to attack her vital organs . she dyed her hair brown didnt like it so bought hair stripper and blonde hair dye and redid her hair. she became week and ran fever of 104 the Doctors could not determine where the fever was coming from. they called in all kinds of speicalists, with no results in finding the cause. Her rymatoligest was call a number of times but, he never showed up)Her body just could not handle all those chemicals you breath in when dying your hair..
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