Hello! My name is Kasey Cravens. This is my site. I will try to make it somewhat exiciting.  I am 23 years old and a student at UT at San Antonio. So go ahead and look around and enjoy. You can drop me a line in my email or send me a message on yahoo instant messanger. What ever you like.  See ya :)
Check out this wonderful Van Gogh web site! I love Van Gogh. My favorite painting is "Starry Night" but this one is cool too. Just click onto the picture to go to the website.
This is my puppy!!  Her name is Copper Penny.  We just call her Penny for short.  She is named after her mother Penny and her father Copper. This is her at 9 1/2 weeks. Now she is 8 months old. I will put a picture of her on here soon. She such a cutie. She is a pure bread beagle.
Since you are here... Check out some of my friends web sites.
This is my best friend's web site.. I have known her since freshmen year of highschool.

Elizabeth's Web site.

Also, You gotta check out my brother Jesse band's web site. He is on tour right now. They play good music. My brother sings and plays the electric guitar. You can listen and even send him a message too!
Jesse's Band Web Site