O Great Creator~

Please hear my prayer for my people~

I pray for peace for my people~

Please help us to keep the words of our ancestors close in our hearts~

Never let us forget the words and teachings from our elders~

I pray for strenght for my people, and the understanding of what we need to do~

I pray that one day we can stand "United" side by side in solidarity~

I pray for our youth will not stray or turn there backs on there heritage and culture~

May we always know who we are, and never lose sight of it~

I pray that all the sacrifies the others made will not be in vein~

Heal our hearts, and give us back our pride~

Let us walk in peace~~

E menv


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These beautiful pictures , you see below are copyrighted may not be duplicated, you can not be altered used in anyway with out permission of the artist. Any questions maybe asked by contacting : jkostura@artnatam.com

These beautiful masterpieces were done by Jerome Busyhead, a Cheyenne brother.
Visit the web site by going to:
Jerome Bushyhead

Visions of A New Beginning

"We are given Visions,
Sometimes they are real.
It is up to you
To accept them.

Morning Prayer

Pray and give thanks each day for all things
given to you by the Great Spirit.

There is a promise land.
You must travel a long road.
It is a Endless Search.


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