Welcome to the Bolin Page

This is the beginning of the Bolin/Metzger home page. Make sure you stop by often to catch up on current events. I may actually add more to this someday.

Old House:


New House:


This is our old house in Ohio, where we lived for 12 years.


We now live in Northern Kentucky, about 15 minutes south of Cincinnati.

The girls:

Rachel_in_new_uniform.JPG (28471 bytes)  rachel_steph_03.JPG (20293 bytes)  girls_museum_02.JPG (17601 bytes)  easter_girls_01.JPG (33751 bytes)  steph_fountain_02.JPG (32797 bytes)

Click on the pictures above if you would like to see larger versions. Click your BACK button to return to this page.

To see more pictures, go to Rachel and Stephanie's page

Quote of the week:
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford

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Last update: 6-10-2002