Hi, I'm Chris "The Anarchist" Ryan, and this is my winter edition of my homepage. This year I'll be updating this page frequently, and installing a "TOUR". ENJOY!
here's how to send that email!
Well, this is WINTER! (ugh-shiver-shiver), and so I decided to change the look of my homepage to reflect the changing seasons. Let's hope it ends quickly, so that sailing can resume promptly, and the girls will start going out in those audacious little cute outfits again...I've added a couple of really cool links this time around, and I hope you enjoy them.
And now for the link to the guestbook...
Umm, the best way to try signing the guestbook is to click onto the "my guestbook" flag on the top of the geo-banner at the top of the page- I've tried other ways of making this work, but (face it) I'm a putz at website building, and I
KNOW that the banner-button works. So please try again to sign the guestbook, using the geo-ware. thanx.
and next comes the

Enter the temple HERE!
and almost everyone who visited my site wanted to see my picture...maybe because I had a blank box in it that I wanted to reserve for future use (it was this very bland sort of ugly greenish color), and they assumed that this MUST be the logical place for my how's come there's no pic? HA HA! Fooled again! But because of the feedback on the last edition, I'm going to try to import a photo this time.
A photo of myself vigilantly watching out for any other party animals out to bicycle in the New Year.
So I guess the effort include photos of myself worked! These images were captured during the new year's eve "BICYCLE CONVERGENCE", located on the monument at LOGAN SQUARE in Chicago IL, between 11:00 PM and Midnight, Dec. 31st, 1998. The images were captured using a handheld digital sony camera and electronically "EDITED" in Adobe "PHOTOSHOP", for control of brightness and contrast, and then electronically "POSTED" to the web using email with an "ATTACHMENT" command.
I then copied the website where they "LIVE", and used the "COPY" and "PASTE" commands in "GEOBUILDER" to produce what you see here.
By the way- it was bitterly and intensely COLD!!! that night, but we all got to toast the new year with a REAL champaigne, and some single malt highland scotch WHISKEY, which made it a cool (but illegal) PARTY!
To view the rest of the pics from this event you can use the link below.

Counting down the final seconds of 1998...did I mention that it was intensly and painfully bloody COLD? (We needed those drinks to both bolster our courage, and reduce our sensitivity to the cold weather pain!)
some really cool links...
here's the path to one of the truly BIZARRE religions of all time- the "CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS"- I think it's a LOT of FUN!
There's this thing for bicycles called "CRITICAL MASS"- it's a world wide monthly demonstration for bicycles, based on the notion that bikes ARE traffic, NOT "TRAFFIC-BLOCKERS"...After all, CARS are the source of traffic jams, not bicycles!
This is the link to the Chicago Critical Mass website.
All my life, I've been active in the struggle for civil rights. One of the best groups in the country for spearheading activities relating to stopping the nazi's and the klan is this group called "ANTI-RACIST ACTION", and here's a link to their website. "Power to the people right on!" (John Lennon, "Instant karma", off of the "SHAVED FISH" album. Columbia Records, 1972)
Ahha! I've finally found a site that has some good anarchist links! ( And I assure you I've been looking for awhile!)
And this one goes to those lovely people at "ROCK OUT CENSORSHIP!" -Randy, I love ya, keep up the good work!