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  Tuesday, 23rd November 2005
Photos from Europe
For some strange reason, yahoo photos can't be viewed anymore. So tonight, i had to create a new account with webshots community site and uploaded some. Am still uploading as I'm typing this.


For those not in the loop offline; i took off for almost 2 weeks in a few cities in Europe.

The best 2 weeks of the year!  Cos no need to work!


  Saturday, 16th April 2005
Good Tidings

Hello family and frens, good tidings! I’m still alive. :)

Finally have some time off to pen down some thoughts over the last couple of weeks.

And so the department passes its credit audit. That was essentially why I was so tied up.  Stayed back in office late and come back on weekends to check the integrity of our files. Phew, I’m glad its over. Big boss too. She was so happy, she bought us lunch and gave us early release last Friday.

And so I start planning for my holiday. IF nothing changes, I’m still slated to go to the States in October for about 3 weeks. People who would like to join me for this trip, please register your interest with me. People without valid driving permits (or who are invalid drivers) need not apply. Children can go on their own too.  This will be an OTOT driving tour so hopefully it will be a therapeutic and stress-free trip. Target destinations include SF, LV, Grand Canyon, Seattle, Portland for cheap shopping and Vancouver.

And 30th April beckons. Van, are you joining me for the PG shoot-out? Who else is keen?

And I am officially WOWed. Got my copy and currently playing on Scarlet Crusade. Thanks to my cous, LWP for arranging the purchase half way across the globe.

And from market rumours, I hear OMV or PARF will be scrapped. Cars are going to be cheaper again but COEs may rise from demand. If you believe it, sell your cars now, bid for COEs while its still relatively cheap and wait for the announcement before buying the car.

And the casino goes to…… find out next Monday.


Top 48 Things to Say at Work
Thanks to Alan

1. Ahhh...I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again...
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
3. How about never? Is never good for you?
4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
6. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.
10. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.
11. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
13. I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.
14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
19. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
22. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
23. No, my powers can only be used for good.
24. You sound reasonable... Time to up the medication.
25. Who me? I just wander from room to room.
26. And your crybaby whiny-butt opinion would be...?
27. Do I look like a people person?
28. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
29. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
30. You!... Off my planet!
31. Does your train of thought have a caboose?
32. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
33. A PBS mind in an MTV world.
34. Allow me to introduce my selves.
35. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed!
36. Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
37. Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.
38. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
39. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.
40. Stress is when you wake up screaming & you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.
41. Can I trade this job for what's behind door 1?
42. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
43. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
44. Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.
45. How do I set a laser printer to stun?
46. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted the paychecks.
47. If I throw a stick, will you leave?

48. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
  Tuesday, 15th March 2005
Updated archives page for jan04 and feb04.
Saw a post I made back then about working on saturdays. OMG... its such a norm now I don't even think about it :/

Got my Bonus Letter Yesterday

I think i successful pulled off a long face. My big boss asked, er.. u don't look to happy with it?

You bet I don't!
  Monday, 14th March 2005

Whatever Happens to the Paper Clip?

Everyday, I prepare memos for the bosses to sign. Be it approvals for exceptions or customers’ requests for changes in their bank facilities.  I suppose a fair comparison of my working life would be that of a busy worker bee. Bzzzzz…..

And every other week or so, I will end up with depleted stationery.  Damn.. I’m low on binders and folders again.  Dorothy, can I have another requisition form for stationery please? Dot’s our clerk. 

Have you ever wondered what happens to the paper clip and other low end stationery after they have been sent up to the bosses, together with our memos?  I’ve worked for enough bosses to realise that it always happens!  No matter what, folders or binders always fail to come back to me.  This is made worse when there is an amendment or a re-work of the paper (in my office, amendments are a common phenomenon).  Our bosses must have a pile of paper clips by now. Or is there such a thing as the Discard Stationery bin?

Like stationery, I have come to feel myself becoming more and more dispensible. Our bosses threaten us that the market is bad out there so be glad you have a job and stop complaining about low pay. Besides there are lots more out there looking for a job just like yours. 

If our bosses don’t like us, we can be discarded.  Why bother to keep us when they know new stationery is on the way?

Have we, the junior executives become mere stationery?
  Friday, 18th February 2005

I am officially a Sony-Ericsson user!

Hey.. just bought an S700i on Monday. This phone is feature-packed! Got it from M1 which means I signed up for another 24 months.

Some cool features include the super big LCD screen and the 1.3mp camera. Still getting used to the interface esp SMS.. wahlao.. although it’s a huge improvement over the T610, I feel still lacking in some areas to the nokia interface. And I can’t seem to assign ringing tones to groups although I can assign to individuals.

Overall, general satisfied with the purchase. SO much to learn! Gotta sit down read thro’ the manual one day :)

Newbie question: How do I configure for reading of emails? Can someone teach me?

Moving to Malaysia
I’m bullish on Malaysia. Maybe wanna invest in some assets there. For a start, I just opened an account in KL on Wednesday.  If u wanna pool money to earn higher returns there, let me know :)   A fixed deposit from 1 month is 3%!

Also, if anyone knows anything about buying properties in KL, let me know.

I’m SO Glad CNY is Almost Over
  Lunar New Year Eve, 2005
Have a Prosperous and Happy New Year
From all of us at The Ministry!

During the new year, don’t forget to:

1. Watch TAR6 Finals on Wednesday!
2. Lie to your uncles and aunties
3. Wash your car on the eve
4. Drive safe and bring an extral panadol just in case
5. Pick out the best mandarin oranges for personal consumption
6. Make a list of all the cheapo ang pow givers and mark them for the year
7. Show off your gleaming new phones/handbags/shoes/PDAs/cameras

Sepang F1 March 2005
Who’s keen? I’m going. Its over the weekend of the 19th.
  Thursday, 27th January 2005
WOW! Sri Lanka! Galle! Kandy! Temple of the Tooth! Srigiriya! Dumbulla!

I miss the crazy reckless weaving honking motorists and traffic fumes! Ha!

The climb up the Lion’s rock is tough! I was so exhausted just walking up. I can’t imagine them racing up and down that monolith! Poor Lola!

Did you know it cost just $16.50 to park whole day at Changi airport?
Now u do ;)    Another useless info brought to you by mayhem
  Wednesday, 19th January 2005
Jasper’s Birthday
Happy Birthday!!!!!

Mom’s Home-baked nuts are back!

Who wants? Please email/SMS me your orders. Orders will close in 1 week’s time. There are 2 varieties:

1. Cashews only
2. Mixed (cashews, macadamian, almonds)

I think selling for $15 (subject to change)
  Tuesday, 11th January 2005
Photo Pages
Bastards at yahoo changed the url ;) I've swapped them all now. Should be working. Thanks to Jenny Lieu for pointing them out

Link from
photo page

  Monday, 10th January 2005
First day pics from Cambodia are up for viewing :) 

Link from
photo page

  New Year's Day, 2005
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Year's resolution - save more $$$!  For retirement and USA trip this year!!! :)

I'm looking for travel buddy for USA this year. If u keen, let me know. I haven't decided east or west. If east, will probably go canada too to visit my relatives there.

Planning late Sept / early Oct.
  Wednesday, 29th December 2004
SATC Season 6 Part 1
Got my DVDs finally. Those who want to borrow after I'm done, please let me know.

Earthquake & Tsunami Help
Hey peeps.. Go make your contributions to the Singapore Red Cross Society (or the other charities) now!

I’m contributing to the Red Cross. Details as follows:

POST your cheque to Singapore Red Cross Society, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486.
Make out the cheque to 'Singapore Red Cross Society'. Write 'Tidal Waves Asia' at the back.
Give your name, address and telephone number.
Or, you can go to the same address from 9.30am to 5.45pm on weekdays

Back from Cambodia
Country is tough. Prepare to rough it out if you can’t afford to stay in 5 star hotels costing USD200+++ per night. They have no mid-range hotels there so going cheap will mean guesthouses in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

Spent 3 days covering the ruins, including Bayon and Angkor Wat. Can suffer from temple exhaustion though. They all look the same after 3 days :p

Many tourists too! And its ridiculous waking up at 5am to catch the sunrises, but since Lonely Planet says must do it, just do it. I think practically every tourist was clutching a copy of the book in Cambodia.

Photos not uploaded yet as I’ve been busy for the past week due to xmas and stuff. Will write more later. If my travelling companions want to contribute articles to my blog, please do so!
  Saturday, 17th December 2004
I'm off!

New Nut Pic
Can't remember who sent this to me but thanks!
  Monday, 6th December 2004

And I Thought Everyone was on Leave
I was happily, late as usual but still happy, driving to work this morning via Geylang Road/Kallang Road. Usually, a jam builds up outside People's Association entrance but this morning was unusual - there was no jam! Wow.. i thought to myself, must be motorists clearing leave for the vacation. It was almost like the Friday during the Hari Raya/Deepavali weekend.

My usual route would take me to Crawford St and then under Merdaka Bridge back towards Nicoll Highway. When I reached there... lo and behold, change in road directions! And WTF, there were cars coming from Nicoll Highway, from the direction of Geylang!

NBZZ!!! They re-opened Nicoll Highway. I could have saved petrol today!!!!!! 

Don’t watch it. Unless u really have nothing to do for 3 hours and got $8.50 to spare. Its really tragic considering it was directed by Oliver Stone.

And to those who haven’t seen The Incredibles – WTF are u waiting for!!!!???

Congrats to M&M
With their new addition of Aaron (aka Basil)!  The little monster looks cute!  Not sure if he sounds cute too.  He was blissfully sleeping when we visited yesterday despite being disturbed (to wake up) by the father. LOL!
  Friday, 3rd December 2004
I wonder if all people go through this:  When one is recovering from an illness, would he go through bouts of food cravings?

I’ve been having all these crazy cravings for the past week. Earlier it was McDonald’s french fries, later was pork liver, then it was beef and today its duck.

I suppose its psychological but I wonder if it may be physiological as well? Anyone knows anything?
  Thursday, 2nd December 2004
Taufik Wins!
I’m really surprised by how much he has improved. I thought he did really well last night in his rendition of “Me and Mrs Jones” was definitely World Idol material :p

Some felt SLY did well with “I Dream” but I still think Taufik’s version was better. Oh well. Taufik won, I don’t care! Ha..

I have nothing against SLY but he was really off-key for his first 2 songs. He definitely did not do his best last night. Maybe the noise.. when the stage is too noisy, its impossible to hear oneself’s pitch at times.

Heheh.. and the 11 finalists were lip-synching! You can see Oli really uncomfortable with it cos she skipped bits of it. Whereas talent-less Jerry was obviously at ease! Hahaha….

Taufik’s album is out Dec 17! BUY BUY BUY!!!! Who volunteer to give this to me for birthday/xmas? Then I don’t have to spend $ on it :P

As I couldn’t wait, I bought Clay Aiken’s CD instead today :P

Other notable notes

All the judges were so obviously requested to say only nice things! How they missed out on off-key SLY is amazing. But it could be the noise *shrugs*

Shameless plugs everywhere! From ACHAR to Sharon Aw to Perfect 10 to the soon-to-be released Idol CD.

But nonetheless, still a wonderful production.

And I missed TAR6! Only caught the last bit. *SPOILER* So sad… sisters are out. Just because one of them couldn’t find a clue in 100 bales of hay despite spending 8 hours at it!
  Wednesday, 1st December 2004
SI Finals Tonight!
I hope Taufik wins. Although I didn’t really like him initially cos he sounded cocky but thankfully there was a bigger asshole then – Jerry Ong! Everybody loved to hate Jerry so Taufik survived.  Now, Taufik has shown to improve a lot and appears hardworking. Definitely IDOL material.

As for SLY, he’s likeable but Oli was better. So.. no votes for him from me tonight ;)

I bet Indoor Stadium will be mayhem tonight! Unbelievable that the tix are being touted at $250 each on Yahoo now!

First Year Anniversary at OCBC!
I survived!!!!! WOW!!!! Hahaha..

Dengue Update
Recovery is good. I’m already at work for the 3rd day. I still get exhausted quickly – went out to buy lunch just now and I was quite CHUAN by the time I got back to the office.

I also exhausted my first-tier medical benefits! Unbelievable. As a result, I had to draw on the second-tier benefits which means I have to pay 15% of the cost – which isn’t much really but I’m just shocked that I actually used up my medical benefits, that’s all. Hehe.. 2004 hasn’t been a good year for me, in terms of health :p
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