Koga's Picture Stash

These are mine; you have pencils and fingers - make your own. I will not stoop to using a stupid javascript to try to stop you from copying these; anyone with half a brain and the intent could rip it in half-a-sec regardless.

I have only your good will on which to depend (mostly b/c I am an artist and too lazy to take the proper steps).

However, many of the images belong to respective clients who will sue your pants off if you use them commercially.

This one is big, 150+ kb. Sorry. Kung Fu rocks!

This anatomy sample page is el huge-o, 170+ kb. Sorry again. I KNOW ears don't really look like that...I just scribbled it out as a sample to show someone I knew my way around the human face and frame.

Some random pics/samples of my werk :| These are earlier pieces of art.

NEWS! 4th September 2002. Began serious work on webcomic, tentatively titled "Lifeshards". Here's the story: It has elves. Heh heh j/k

UPDATE: 28th September 2002. This stupid comic is making me crazy! >:/

UPDATE: 18th November 2003. Comic? There was a comic?

MY LATEST ADDICTION: Oekaki BBS! (Very groovy)

This can be seen as a very odd poem of sorts...^-^

Name: Email:
Let me know how you like my groovy art...
Copyright © 2000 Omni Graphics