A clickable map of TEAP
The Tacis Environmental Awareness Raising Programme

The programme has one overall goal: to raise the status of environmental issues in every one of Tacis' thirteen partner countries. Its efforts is concentrated on three target groups: - Parliamentarians: integrate environmental thinking in their everyday work. - Non-governmental organisations (NGOs): improve their participating in public debates and relationships with society. - The general public: increase public awareness of environmental issues and help people to take responsibility for their own environment.

Click the image above to visit our five Regional Coordination Offices and to read the programme description in English

- Russia - St. Petersburg -
- Russia, Mongolia - Moscow-
- Kazachstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan -Almaty -
- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia - Tbilisi -
- Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine - Kiev - 

The project is financed by the EU Tacis programme. The first phase lasted from January 1997 to July 1998, the second phase will end in November 1999. The project is implemented by a consortium led by Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Brussels which unites the expertise of Helsinki University Knowledge Services, the BBC’s Marshall Plan of the Mind, and Oekomedia.

For more information, please contact:
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
Tel +32-2-545 66 00
Fax +32-2-545 66 10

Concerning the website:


Last update 99.08.19

 The Moscow Regional Office The Moscow Regional Office The Almaty Regional Office The Almaty Regional Office The Tbilisi Regional Office The Kiev Regional Office The St Petersburg Regional Office A description of TEAP The Moscow Regional Office The St Petersburg Regional Office