Roaming Red-Wolf's Den Roaming Red-Wolf's Den
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Roaming Red-Wolf's


Obligations of the True Path Walkers

To bring back the natural harmony that humans once enjoyed.

To save the planet from present practices of destruction.

To find and re-employ real truth.

To promote true balance between both genders.

To share and be less materialistic.

To become rid of prejudice.

To learn to be related.

To be kind to animals and take no more than we need.

To play with one's children and love each equally and fairly.

To be brave and courageous, enough so, to take a stand and make a commitment.

To understand what Generations Unborn really means.

To accept the Great Mystery in order to end foolish argument over religion.

Ed McGaa, Eagle Man


Dances with Wolves

The Red Fox

Properties of Gemstones

Sacred Plants

Legends and Stories


Animal Totems


The Pow Wow: The Heartbeat of the Mother Earth

Roaming Red-Wolf's Native Chat

Coming soon:

Earth Astrology

This page is currently under some construction

This Native Americans and their Animals site is owned by
Roaming Red-Wolf.

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