Hello there!

Welcome to the Treehouse. Grab a cushion, and join me. I am currently doing some major changes to my pages. There is going to be more information, easier navigation, and, of course, neater graphics.

Suggestions, information, and comments are always welcome! So relax, enjoy, explore, and of course, all are welcome at my treehouse!

You are number to climb up to the treehouse!

Wicca: Paths, Deities, What it's all about and what it's NOT about. The Materials: Candles, Herbs, Stones, Tools and more. The Spellswork: Sabbats, Spells, Rituals, How to use and write spells. The Personal Page: About the page owner. Tarot cards, Runes, Palmistry, Astrology, etc. The Wiccan Rede: The rule we follow.

Wicca * Materials * Spellwork * Personal Page * Divination * Wiccan Rede

Pagan Network This Pagan Network site is owned by
Kristin 'Kat' Smith.

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