The many voices sent as one voice on this page are offered by prisoners who were blessed to receive Inipi (Sweat Lodge) and Cannupa (Sacred Pipe) ceremonies in the prison facilities they were in. After going through the four seasons for four years these voices are spoken for all people of all nations, all races, and from all ancestoral homelands. May the Sacred Hoop continue to be mended in a good way where all people may stand in that Sacred Circle of Life.
Every day fires burn in the prisons sending smoke and prayers for the elders, the families, and the unborn. Please let us do not forget in our prayers and ceremonies our sisters and brothers---nieces and nephews---daughters and sons---wives and husbands---mothers and fathers--grandmothers and grandfathers--- who are held in the Iron Houses.
Mitakuye Oyasin---All My Relations
It is true that pain is food for the soul--suffering makes our soul grow. If we embrace suffering (our own) and the world's, and live through pain, it deepens our wisdom and the meaning of life.
When we were born our families nurtured us through the wisdom of our grandparents. What may have seemed odd to some people seemed perfectly natural to ourselves. Our journeys began with many obstacles natural and unnatural. Through the many different kinds of tears we cried we learned to nurture our soul, to plant our seed, to touch the winds, and reach for Grandfather Sun to cast our shadows from East to West. Only the tree would have shadows of the four directions, the Hocoka (Sacred Circle).
We learned through dreams and honored the many visions of the past, our people's dreams. We the people of this earth have an obligation to ourselves and our unborn to protect and honor our sacred world. As our population increases our natural resources diminish and the unclean air threatens our well being.
Before there were people, before there were four seasons, the four directions, the cannupa (Sacred Pipe), and our first inipi (Sweat Lodge), Wakan Tanka (the Great Mystery)would plant the many seeds of our existence, the gift of life. We listened for one voice--Ho Wanji--echoing across the dark cloudy sky. The show of power, lightning flashes, the eye of our Great Spirit, shows us our way in our journey, the Canku Luta (Red Road) and on the Red Road lies the future of our people.
Fortified by knowledge, skills, imagination, and vision (insight) we become stronger with education, and become a better person which can be shared making our world better. We are able to defend our way of life through knowledge. Through knowledge we develop skills that encourage imagination, we focus on the good things in life, and become more perceptive, thoughtful, and pure, which gives us vision, and a clear understanding of ourselves. Life becomes more meaningful and fulfilling which will preserve our way of life, and preserve skills which can be used to create art, the language of the soul. This provides a foundation to nurture our soul which enlightens the journey within our Sacred Circle. The sense of being and integrity is nurtured by the process of knowledge. When we learn about ourselves and how we function as part of the environment we will tend to preserve the supportive environment, which in effect preserves our well being. Our journey is like the jet stream that travels around the world. If there are particles of pollution in the air that jet stream is altered, causing unnatural change.
When we experience the Sacred Hoop and envision our virtues along with our interpersonal, social, and environmental awareness, we can organize our priorities by experiencing the Sacred Circle, developing a bond among relations and become more aware of what is important in life and what is not. Virtue is not a treat--it is a hard earned task.
Demand of yourself an appreciation of it's fundamental importance and necessity to meaningful concepts by working and focusing on your life goal, virtue, preservation of your environment, personal integrity, self preservation, respect of cultural past, personal growth, awareness of social demands, pursuit of education. One learns to integrate education with cultural identity--promoting historic values to enhance modern thought.
As you develop an appreciation for a good life, you are able to focus on a more meaningful, creative, productive, self preserving life. By living a more meaningful life, you nurture not only your self worth, but that of your family and people. You also become more aware of what affects you. You are more able to effect change.
Preserve exisiting environment because it is the only true order in our lives. All civilizations are designed as an intregal part of the natural environment. If we don't preserve our environment, we lose touch with ourselves. In order to preserve our environment, and human values, we need to develop a true communication with our past, present, our natural environment, and our natural selves. The process and activities in the Sacred Circle can provide that simple, silent communication. With the silent communication we are nurturing our minds, developing a sense of self worth giving us strength to live a natural, uncomplicated less destructive life. We plant the seed, that seed is virtue, which gives you pride, and pride gives you determination to preserve the natural world, Grandfather and Grandmother Earth.
The Sacred Hoop allows us to spend time with ourselves. Anyone who participates should be prepared to look inward, honestly without excuses and defenses which back us unnatural and destructive ways. The search is silent without loud excuses, like the wind, the snow, the eagle, the crackling fire. You must begin the connection with nature's soul, and your own--within the Sacred Hoop--maintain that sense of connection, become aware each time you act out unnaturally. Think of your responsibility to yourself, focus on what is integrity, what is humanity, what is truth. How do you fit in the whole natural world, what seed can I plant to nourish, enhance, preserve, nature's soul and mine? How can I expand my experience in the Sacred Hoop to better the world--how can I preserve my culture in a multi-cultural world?
We are now reasserting our rights and expressing our pride in our unique cultural heritage. The time has come to teach our younger generation the many languages, tribal history, and sacred ceremonies. It would be a shame when it comes time to journey to the spirit world you find out you have never lived. In our way of life it is always a good day to die!
When the stone heals the wound of the soul--- When the tree lies upon it's shadow--- Then the seed to the sun has united our soul.
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