Ilan and Ahouva Halperin's
home page!

Yanshoof and associates

Yanshoof and associates- Halperin Family home page

Welcome to our page. We live in a small suburb of Jerusalem and have 3 wonderful kids. Our oldest, Inbal Halperin, finished the army as an education officer, lived for 1 1/2 years on a commune in Ashdod working in schools and community centers, travelled in India and is now in law school at Hebrew Univeristy of Jerusalem. Our son Sivan Halperin(Sivi) finished 12th grade at the Hebrew University High School and is now in the army as a combat medic and served in a Field Intelligence unit; he is about to begin two months as a summer camp counselor at Crane Lake camp in Massachusettes. Our youngest, Elah Halperin is aobut to finish up the 12th grade at the Mae Boyer High School in Jerusalem, and loves dancing and writing. Next year she will be taking a year "on" to volunteer at Kibbutz Ade Boker, before beginning her army service in the education corps. Hope you enjoy meeting us!
Thanks, Ilan.


Ilan Halperin

I am a Planning Director at UJA Federation of New York, in our Israel office. I work with the Commission on the Jewish People as the Israel liason.

I recieved my B.A.

in Judaic Studies, from Spertus College of Judaica, and my M.S.M. from

Boston University. Among my interests are photography and of course computers.

My wife Ahouva,

is a developmental psychologist. She works at a center for autistic children and has a private practice for

assesment of young children as well as providing couples and family therapy.


Our son Sivan when he finished basic training

and here he is as a serious 18 year old!

and our two daughters

Elah(age 15)...and...Inbal(at age 21).

They are wonderful children!

Come to my other page and fill out a form

Come to my sketches page and enjoy my art work

To see pics of Sivi's bar mitzvah click here! =>

If you'd like to send me email; please do so!

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