Cheryl's Home Page
Inside you will find a ton of pictures.  Alot are of my family & friends and some are of places I have travelled to and others are of scenery, flowers & animals.  I don't get picky about what I take pictures of.....I just take them of what I like.                  
Yup....this is the work me!!
This is the love of my life....Michael.  Isn't he just the cutest.
This is my daughter April Taken September 2000
This is a work in progress......I am working on it constantly keep checking back ........I am adding to it all the time!!!
This is my son David.
Taken September 2000
My Siblings - (back l-r) Judy, me, Peter, Maxine, Alice, Ted (front) Fay & my great nephew Taylor.
David's fiance Jenn, David, me, April & April's fiance Duane.
Family Pics 1
Family Pics 2
This is mygranddaughter Trinity all dressed up for her first Easter.  Isn't she adorable?!
Our Wedding