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European Work Hazards Network


The report of the eight European Work Hazards conference is now available on cd-rom. You can get it, just for the costs of the postage Euro 2, by mailing to:
The conference was held 21-23 September 2001 in the Chamber of Labour Conference Center in Vienna. (See the program in PDF.)

About us

  • We are : workers, activists, occupational safety and health experts, researchers, journalists.
  • Our aim is to improve working conditions in Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Our methods : campaigning, networking, information exchange, publishing the Work Hazards International Newsletter, organising the 6th European Work Hazards Conference and the 7th European Work Hazards Conference, lobbying the authourities in Europe.
  • The National Networks of the EWHN

    The EWHN is a network of networks. The national networks within the EU that take part are :
    * The Finish Work Hazards Network
    * The Danish Network AAA
    * The Norwegian Network OFS
    * The Scottish Work Hazards Centres
    * The English and Wales Work Hazards Centres
    * The Irish Network
    * The Dutch NetWerk

    * The German Network Beratungsstelle Arbeit und Gesundheit and Kooperationsstelle
    * The French Network
    * The Austrian Network PPM
    * The Italian Network SNOP (Italian Homepage here)
    * The Spanish Network CCOO
    * The Greek Network

    We link in with similar Networks in Eastern Europe, East Asia, Southern Africa, South and Middle America and the US and with thematic Networks like the Ban Asbestos Network.

    The Subnetworks of the EWHN

    On several health and safety issues the EWHN organises transnational subnetworks, such as :
    * The Stress Network
    * The Occupational Health Service Network
    * The Working Hours Network
    * The Chemical Sector Network
    * The Occupational Exposure Limits Network
    * The Micro-Electronics Network
    * The Health in Small Companies Network
    * The Construction Network

    Internal links of the Network.

    Individual members of the EWHN participate in this news- and discussion- list, using their E-mail. Become an active participant of the Network and join here!
    Activists bring forward their pressing questions at the message board.
    News from the secretariat of the EWHN.
    News from the Steering Committee of the EWHN.

    Contact us.