Sister Joan Wilfords
Home Page

My name  is  Sister  Joan  Wilford  and I am from the
Haywards  Heath   Congregation  in  the   South of
England .  I  have been one  of  Jehovahs  Witnesses
for  34  years .   I  came  from  a  Communist  family
background. I was called on by one of the annointed,
and studied the book 'Let  God  be True' . This was
in 1955. I saw it was the  Truth  almost immediately.

Click here to see the cats
All my cats have their own page.

Click here to hear a real audio message

Click here to see my paintings

Pictures of Brighton Convention 2000

I was born here , by the Sea This is where I live now
Click places on the Map to see me at my favorite places

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The purpose of this page is to make contact with
Brothers and Sisters that would like to e-mail me.

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Click here to see the Official Site

....And Finally....