The Ferret Bunch
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(Press Play - Very Cool)

When we brought home the last two boys, an Albino named Beezer
and a big guy named Lucky. All of a sudden it hit me.
'We became the Brady Bunch'.
And a new front page for our ferret site was born.

Click on the Ferret or Human you would like to read about
and see photos of.

The photos to the left are an image map.
(pages open in a new browser window)

Please do not use any of the images here for you own pages, or anything else,
with the exception of the Kodo the Ferret Remembrance.
Getting a Ferret
please read BEFORE geting a ferret

NEW!When you are done looking at our bios...
Check Out Some Great New Pics Of Us

here are some links we like:
The best photography on calendars, tshirts, & cards.
The Ferret Calendar
A link to a great ferret supply catalog
The Ferret Store
And finally, the best FAQ I have seen on Ferrets
Also lists Shelters/Rescue & more.
Ferret Central FAQ by Pam Greene
Thanks fellow ferret lovers from us and our six ferrets.
Please 'do not' email us about ferret related questions go to the FAQ.
email Raechel, Kevin, and their six fuzzie ferrets

If you want to email us & our ferrets just use the button below.


Last updated on Feb. 11, 1999

This page has been sniffed at times since Feb 13th, 1997

This All Things Ferrety site is owned by
Raechel R & Kevin S

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