The Linfields of Saint John

Welcome to Linfield Hall

Greetings fellow surfers, for any of you who have been here before you will see that I have moved again. Seven times in six years, 1999-2005. Also I managed to lose my counters and guestbooks from the last few years, so would you please sign my new guestbook this time around.

In May of the last century, we undertook an exodus from Moncton, New Brunswick, to LaHave, Nova Scotia, to Lunenburg, NS. to Blockhouse, NS. back to LaHave, NS. to Quispamsis, New Brunswick, and now to Saint John, NB. So in six years we have gone almost full circle here in this region of Canada.

For you new visitors, we began in the small city of Moncton, population just under 60,000 (at the time). It is located in South-Eastern New Brunswick, on the Petticodiac River. I will not bore you with a bunch of statistics about our old home, but if you would like to find out more about where I used to live just follow the links I have provided. We moved to LaHave Nova Scotia in June of 1999, after sojourning for the month of May in a place called Caledonia
If you are interested click on Caledonia and it will take you to the North Queens, Nova Scotia welcome page. Click on the picture for communities in the sidebar, and choose Caledonia from the communities listed at the bottom of the next page. Now scroll down to the services listing on this page and choose North Queens Nursing Home. Click on that and you will see the place where my wife and son lived in our 30' travel trailer out in the parking lot for their first month in Nova Scotia.

While the family got moved into LaHave in June, I could not move until September as I had agreed to stay on in my job (I was the Parks Service Foreman for the City of Moncton) until the end of August that year.I have been a professional Horticulturalist for over 30 years and have special interest in the study of indigenous plant material. (Those plants that occur naturally in a given local.) I worked as a commercial floriculturist for 15 years growing a wide variety of potted, cut, foliage, and bedding plants. I have also spent as many years in the horticultural parks, and institutional grounds maintenance (fields). Pardon the pun.

If you click on LaHave it will take you to the Fort Point Museum page. Click photo tour, then page 3 of the tour. The last picture in that set shows you approximately half of the village, as it was in 1979. There have been some major renovations and some new buildings added since that picture was taken, but the village retains much of it's old look. Apparently it is the first place that the French explorers saw when they arrived in North America. They named it as they did because LaHave was the last place they saw as they left their native homes to explore the unknown. It is a 15 minute drive south of Bridgewater on Hwy 331. The drive down the river after work from the Hospital in Bridgewater to our home we were renting in LaHave is the thing I miss most about the place.

is the largest town west of Halifax, the capitol of Nova Scotia. I worked for the South-Shore Regional Hospital
in that town as the Groundskeeper, caring for 14 acers of wooded and groomed grounds.

At the first of December 2001 we moved to beautiful Lunenburg. It is about 20 minutes from LaHave, East across the LaHave river. It is also about the same distance from Bridgewater. We had the most awesome time living in Lunenburg. We got to see a state visit by the King and Queen of Norway, we got to board famous sailing vessels such as the "Bluenose II" and the "Bounty" both of which were built right there in Lunenburg.

If you are interested at all in Tallships like I am then just follow this link to my tallships page. The Bounty
was built to order in 1960 for the filming of the movie "Mutiny on the Bounty", and if you follow the link you can see how they are coming along with her restoration project. I am in the process of changing a lot of the material on this page and this is as far as I have gotten. Please bear with me for the next couple of days as I try to bring it together.

At the start of Sept. 2003 we moved to Blockhouse which is about equal distance from both Lunenburg and Bridgewater. Then in August of 2004 we moved back to LaHave. It's not easy finding a good, long term rental in this area. Please follow the links to learn more about our new home.

Besides gardening,I have many diverse interests including music,reading,outdoor activities,building projects,a host of minor things, and last but certainly not least, christian laywork.

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian, which means I worship on Saturday following our Lords example. Also I believe that Jesus is coming to get His people very soon now. It is our desire to tell everyone we can so that all may have the opportunity to prepare their hearts for His glorious appearing. We believe that none need be lost, except those who refuse to be saved. It is not my intent to preach to anyone, so as I said before, if you want to know more follow the links.

One of my interests that overlaps into several of the others is History. I tie that in with the study of my ancesteral roots, which are English and Scottish. This has led to my interest in things Celtic.

As I work on my page I welcome your comments and suggestions.
You can e-mail me at the address on the bottom of this page. And please sign my guest book, especially you people with the surname Linfield or Cruickshank (my mothers family). I am trying to learn more about both families.
You will see that I have finally got a page up for the Cruickshank family now, and I am anxious to hear from any of you that can help me to make it better. 500 million names at your fingertips!

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Old Church

Cruickshank Page
Christianity In The Land of my Ancestors

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Acai Berry
to this site since Feb. 14th, 2009

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