Rebbel's ElfQuest WebRing Page |
The ElfQuest WebRing made possible by Thanks Guys! |
What is The ElfQuest WebRing?
The ElfQuest WebRing was created to unite people who have
ElfQuest related web sites.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have previously added a website to the ElfQuest WebRing Que, and
you never received a confirming email that you were added to the ElfQuest WebRing, please
re-submit your website information.
Thank you!
* Note that you need to have an ElfQuest Website to join the ring
1. Read the Guidelines for website acceptance
2. Submit your website to our Que
3. Download the fonts and graphics (yeah, fonts.. small one.) ;)
4. Copy the HTML code onto your webpage
You can click on the links above to jump to that part in this website.
If you are already in the ring and need to edit your website information click here
Guidelines for Submitting Pages:
ElfQuest WebRing will only accept pages to the ring that are related to ElfQuest.
We will not accept pages that have a dark, sinister, or negative theme.
Pages consisting only of links (with no original content) will not be added.
Pages containing violent or inappropriate materials will not be added.
Step One
Fill out the below form to register your website.
Note that this does not insert you in the ring; it simply
makes your webpage known to the ElfQuest WebRing Webmaster and gives you a Site ID
Step Two
Download the ElfQuest WebRing graphics and fonts
near the end of this page:
right-click or click and hold the mouse button to get a pop-up menu and
save them to your local disk drive.
After you have saved the graphics and fonts, be sure to upload the graphics to your webserver and install the fonts.
DO NOT reference the graphics off someone else's server unless you've asked them for permission first! This creates more traffic for that person's webserver.
Step Three
When adding the HTML code to your webpage be sure to:
(There has been some confusion on changing the information in the fragment, so I made some
changes to make it easier to use)
1. Insert the URL for where you have saved your ElfQuest
WebRing images before the graphic name in the beginning of the code.
2. Change the e-mailing address to your own (replace the yellow
mail with your email address)
2. Change the owner name to your own (replace the yellow name to your name)
3. Change the site id to your own (replace the yellow ID with your site ID number)
(When you add yourself to the queue, you'll receive your site number.)
If you put the code on a page with with frames, please remember to add target="_top" to all your references, in order to remove the frames before the viewer proceeds.
We have highlighted in yellow each item you will need to customize:
Copy the HTML fragment below to your homepage.
It's easier than it might look -- just copy, paste and personalize your information as
described above.
<!-- Begin ElfQuest WebRing Fragment-->
<p align="center"><font size="6"
src="ring1.gif" align="middle" width="101"
ElfQuest WebRing </strong></font><font size="7"
src="ring2.gif" align="middle" width="101"
</strong></font><strong>This ElfQuest WebRing site owned by
[ </strong><a
5 Sites</strong></a><strong> | </strong><a
| </strong><a
| </strong><a
5 Sites</strong></a><strong> | </strong><a
Site</strong></a><strong> | </strong><a
Sites</strong></a><strong> ] <br>
the WebRing!</strong></a></p>
<!-- End ElfQuest WebRing Fragment-->
Step Four
E-mail the Webmaster.
In the subject line of your email include the following:
ElfQuest WebRing Addition
Include in the body of the email:
1. your Site ID Number
2. the name of your site
3. your web page URL address
4. your email address
5. Why your site should be added to the ElfQuest WebRing
The Webmaster will look at your webpage to make sure it is ElfQuest oriented, and make sure the ElfQuest WebRing HTML fragment on your page is okay.
After checking out your page, the Webmaster will reference your Site ID Number to add you to the ring. An automated server will then e-mail you telling you you've been added.
If you have completed the steps to add the HTML
code to your webpage, you should have something that looks like the following:
ElfQuest WebRing
This ElfQuest WebRing site owned by Rebbel X.
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Sites | Previous
| Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]
Join the WebRing!
Edit Existing ElfQuest WebRing Website Information
If you are already part of the webring, and need
to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password),
enter your site ID and password below:
We hope you'll decide to take part in the ring,
either by browsing it,
or by adding a website to it!
Here are the graphics and fonts that I use in the HTML fragment.