A place dedicated to more than one thing but principally:
To share with you some selected photographs I have taken of Minnesota snowflakes.
I'm glad that you stopped by! First, a little background. Several years ago, as an amateur photographer, I became interested in photographing snowflakes to capture their delicate form. I set up a microphotography station in my garage where I successfully photographed hundreds of different types of snowflakes. The one thing that struck me about these images was the incredible amount of internal detail that was present. Most other actual snowflake photographs I had seen were somewhat deficient in this regard (Bentley, W. A. and Humphreys, W. J., Snow Crystals, New York, 1931). I decided that rather than just maintain these photographs in my personal albums, that I would share them with others in the form of limited edition lithographic prints. I selected four diverse images for printing, ranging from complex to simple. These four images were printed as positive blue images on a white background and were limited to 100 prints each. I then selected four more images and had those printed as negative images on both blue and sepia backgrounds. These second four images were limited to 200 each. These eight unique, copyrighted snowflake images can be reviewed by clicking below and are available for purchase as numbered and initialed lithographic prints.
in touch with Bruce by
EMAIL at bmulvaney@tds.net