I have met many people who can tell you all about what they believe in, and what they know is right or wrong. I do not find life falls into such distinct categories as many others do, and often see the grey areas that others overlook. However, there are certain things that I do believe without a doubt. They are as follows, in no particular order:

I realize that what I am saying is all very vague, but I hope that you understand what I mean. Respect life, be gentle and loving, and life will be much nicer.

My webpage covers many topics as they are all relevent to me, and I find that they are all connected in various ways. For myself, my approach towards everything is one of gentleness. This includes my approach to parenting, to the environment, and to my diet, to name but a few. Please visit these other pages to learn more.

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Last updated November 23, 1997

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