Beautiful Sarawak
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Brief Introduction of Sarawak
My family and I live in this beautiful place, Sarawak which is one of the
13 states of Malaysia and is situated on the North-Western coast of Borneo,
third largest island in the world. Our neighbours are Sabah (another state
of Malaysia), Kalimantan Province of Indonesia, Brunei Sultanate and Singapore.
Sarawak, at 48,000 sq miles (123,000 sq Km), is the largest of Malaysia's 13 states. In size,
we are about half that of the British Isles OR slightly smaller than the
South Island of New Zealand OR about the same size of Louisiana State or
Missisippi State of the U.S.A.
Land of the Hornbill
Sarawak has been called the
"Land of the Hornbill." The Hornbill is a bird living mainly in the
tropical rain-forests of Borneo and Sumatra and this graceful bird is our
State Emblem.
Do you know that the hornbill is one of the very few bird species
in the world that actually have EYE LASHES?
Tropical Rainforest
Sarawak has a very small population and the land is still covered by large areas of
lush forests, mainly Tropical Rainforest.
These forests are home to thousands of species of flora and fauna.
National Parks
There are many many areas set aside as
National Parks in Malaysia and
many of these beautiful National Parks are found in Sarawak. The beauty of
Sarawak is best represented by its National Parks. I shall very much like
to highlight these lovely parks in the best way I can. I love these parks and make it a point to visit
them as often as I can spare time for. Let me use this site my mine to sort of
"share" these serene spots with you from far and near.
Niah National Park
The Niah National Park is just at my "backyard". Within its boundaries is
found the famous Niah Caves which were home to stone-age man some 40,000
years ago. Archeological excavations there have produced stone-age tools
and other artefacts which are now displayed in the Sarawak Museum in Kuching.
Click here for some beautiful views of the Niah Caves
and surrounding.
Lambir National Park
The Lambir National Park is only a 30-minute journey by road away from Miri.
This park boasts of some of the best flora and fauna the Sarawak Forest
can offer.
Mulu National Park
The Mulu National Park is centred around a system of
exotic caves found within the Mulu Mountain. These caves have been described
as one of the "Seven Wonders of the Natural World". The Sarawak Chamber is
the largest cave chamber in the world and the Clearwater Cave is the second
longest underground channel in the world. The many other caves there have
their own unique characteristics. In all, the Mulu Caves are just "BREATHS-TAKING".
You are visitor no
25th February, 1997.
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Dr John Yeo,
1877, Jalan Episcia 2,
MDL Garden,
Miri, Sarawak,
© 1997
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