Say Goodbye to...

Aerta's Aerie

You are visitor number  since February 6, 1997

Like all things, GeoCities is coming to an end. I nearly abandoned this page years ago anyway (not because I have changed but because the world has) and I have several other sites I work in and with and on. So this site hasn't been updated in forever. Nor will it ever be, and now Geocities is closing - so all the information on this site is being backed up to my hard drive. Eventually I will probably put it out as a retro eBook - but in the meantime, come see me at or or or flikr, twitter etc either under Aerta or ScionOfInsanity. Goodbye and thanks for 12 years of the Net!

Below, you will find the links to the various sections of my page.  An asterisk will tell you if that section has been recently updated. And while you're here, feel free to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think, or e-mail me at or

And, as always, All WERE Welcome Here - not at Geocities any more apparently!!

Last Updated on 5/03/09.

The Earth is Our Mother

Ways to treat Her
with Respect
Ways to live in Harmony
with Her

From my hubby's page

Charge of the Goddess
Legend of the Descent of the Goddess

Aerta's Essays
(which I highly recommend you read before making spell requests of me!)

 **On Meditation 
Magic and
Common Sense
and Gaming

Various Other Sections
Aerie Bookstore
Aerta's Herbal
Aerta's Spellbook
Various Links 
Backgrounds, Bars
and Buttons
About Me
Guestbook Stuff
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
View My Old Guestbook
View My Old Guestpad

***Please Note***
I have started a new Support Group for anyone that has had problems with the medical system.

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Ecosoul - Renewable Resource Education

A very thankful
Geocities Featured Page
as of July 1, 1997

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The HTML Writers Guild

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