So here it is – my web page. Definitely not a unique thing to have anymore, however I hope mine proves to be useful to some besides myself for holding information.

An obligatory plug for my team and this wonderful sport of dragon boating.

For my Fishbowl Gang that checks in periodically - I promise to actually upload all the pictures one of these days. :)

Some of the environmental links I can not vouch for as I am no longer a member of the Dickinson College community and therefore unable to update them. As for the rest, if any do not work please let me know and I will take care of it.


CNN Earth/Science News Provided Daily:

Environmentalism at Dickinson Environmental Programs/projects at Dickinson College. BR>

World Map of Environmental Issues/Sites A world map with links to environmental sites and/or issues concerning those geographic areas. Still working on improving the various links.

Envi Informational Sites Or if you'd like check out the listing of other great informational sites. Sites contained within this page pertain to such issues as: Toxic Release Inventory, Environmental News, Air and Water Pollution, EPA,as well as other issues and catagories.

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by Jenny Brust.
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