
Sweetie (top right), Governor (middle left), and Hashee (bottom left)
Hashee was the very *first* bird I ever fell in love with and started this whole "bird fever" thing :)

Sweetie's Story


I first met Sweetie in December 1995. At that time I was working for a veterinarian. The vet had been doing some work (vaccines & check ups) for a kennel near the airport on her days off.

Sweetie had been left at the kennel a few months before. Hew owner was moving to Hawaii. Sweetie had to be placed in quarantine for 3 months before she could be flown to her owner in Hawaii.

Sweetie had been at the kennel for over 5 months. Her previous owner never sent for her or contacted the kennel.

The kennel gave Sweetie to the Vet because they couldn't afford to pay her the money they owed her.

The Vet was leaving on vacation the day she got Sweetie. She brought Sweetie into work for us to watch while she was out of town. I immediately bonded with Sweetie. She was such a friendly bird!

When the Vet came back from vacation, she took Sweetie home.

A few months later, she told me she had not been spending much time with her and Sweetie had been screaming allot and plucking out some of her feathers. I told her to bring Sweetie back to the office to stay for awhile. At least at the office she would receive some attention during the day. Sweetie had one toy and was eating a seed diet. I bought Sweetie some new toys and switched her over to pellets. I came into work early to play with her, spent time with her on my lunch hour, and took her home for weekends and holidays. If anyone at the office came too close to me while I was holding Sweetie she would try to bite them. She felt safe with me. She knew I was the one person who gave her love and attention.

I offered to buy Sweetie, but the Vet said she couldn't sell her because her daughter would be too upset. (You know, her daughter was down at the office maybe an hour a month and never even looked at Sweetie)

One day, Sweetie got into trouble for chewing on a door frame. The vet said she had to stay inside her cage unless we were holding her. I gets kind of hard to hold a cockatoo while you are trying to answer a phone! She would chew on the phone cord or climb up on your head. The Vet then said she could only come out on lunch hours or before work.

Sweetie was miserable.

One day, finally, the Vet asked if I thought Sweetie was happy. I told her she would be much happier living with a family and being loved all of the time. She told me to take Sweetie home!! She said she wasn't ever attached to her anyway. How can you not get attached to a snugly cockatoo?

Sweetie was so "upset" about being locked inside cage for such long periods of time that she was afraid of going in a cage. I didn't want to traumatize her anymore.

My friend (Deacon's Breeder) had recently gotten a male citron, Governor, that was also "neglected". Governor was about 17 years old when Carole got him. He had been fed wild bird seed his whole life. Because of the lack of nutrients, he now has severe cataract and liver problems. We thought that Governor and Sweetie would be a perfect match. They could keep each other company so neither one would be lonely.

Carole took Sweetie home to see if her & Governor would get along. Carole set Sweetie's cage up near her other birds (U2, CAG, B&G macaw, Goffin). Sweetie wouldn't even go inside the cage to eat! She would hang from the outside bars and only stick her head in far enough to reach to food bowl.

Carole and her husband made a play stand for Sweetie and Governor to live on. They never have to go in a cage, which makes Sweetie very happy. Sweetie preens Governor often. He gets upset when you take Sweetie into the other room and he cant see her. They will never have babies together. They don't have "that kind" of relationship. They are friends who look out for each other......except for when she steals his food! : )

When we get a house, we will bring both Sweetie and Governor to live with us. They will have their own room to live in so I wont have to put them in a cage. Right now I couldn't do that here. I work during the day and wouldn't be able to watch her. Id be afraid that she would climb on top of the amazons cage and get hurt or injure herself in some other way (chewing on an electric cord, etc.)

I visit Sweetie often. She will sit on my lap and let me file or Dremmel her nails without all of the fuss that my birds make about getting a nail trim. She is a wonderful bird.

(NOTE: I am no longer working for "the Vet" (who will remain name-less) I was always afraid to quit that job because I did not want to leave Sweetie behind. I am now working for a wonderful vet!)


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