Everyone can do something..even if you only start at home and take care of what you have. Be kind to your pets and when having an exotic pet, read up about it and learn how to take care of it the way it needs to be care for. And if you can't take care of it give it to someone that can, it's O.K. to change your mind.And never purchase endangered species or parts of them, many tourist go to small islands and buy shells of sea turtles, remember, all sea turtles are endangered. If they can't sell them then they won't kill them.
Here is some good news!!
My page only contains animals.But as far as endangered goes 2/3's of what is on the endangered list is actually plants. Hard to believe isn't it considering just how many animals are on the list.
Right now we are in an crisis of threatened , endangered and already extinct species. With over crowding of people and so many that don't care what they do plus the people that don't mean to cause a problem but do soon our way of life will be totally changed and if we don't kill ourselves off we will be alone and only have our pictures and memories to remind us of the beauty of what we gave up and have lost. The next generations to come will think it all a myth like dragons and unicorns. They will think tigers and panda bears and all the other wonderful things that god gave us is nothing more than fairy tales .
I thought of including an extinct page( things from just this century) but even that is a very large list, plus I want to try and save what is left and not just harp on what is already dead and gone, but please don't forget what is gone, use their memories to help give what's left a chance.
These pages are my thoughts and ideas about animals and the world, sometimes I have looked up facts and have encluded these facts along with my ideas on the subject. There might be parts that you find wrong whether it was based on my idea about it or it could just be different now becuase I put the facts in a few years back and have not noticed the facts now need up dated. A new page based on tigers has just been added and I just heard there are even harsher laws to try and pervent unexperienced people from owning them.
Some of the animals that are in this site are not endangered but are exotic pets, the reason they have been put here is because with so many being pets and so many getting them in the future they could end up endangered from their now popularity.
Links to other sites on the Web
Rainforest Action Network
The Baskingspot Light
Enviromental Working Group
National Audubon Society
The Nature Conservancy
A&A Cycads rare plants
WWF Polarbear adoption page
Endangered Species -contains lots of information
Endangered Species Program for U. S.Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Home page - The rarest info around
Animal Info on rare, endangered and threaten species. Easy look up and searches on a very wide variety.
CITIES Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna
African Primates at Home
This is a really good webpage and a must see. They are accepting donations so that they can rescue as many of the big cats as they can. But at the moment they only have enough donations to care for the ones they have and have had to turn away many that are in need of rescuing.
Many of the big cats they are carring for have had horrible lives and reading their stories was sad but eye opening to the hardship people put animals through. Even ones they consider pets.
Many links have been removed, because of moving, and lots of new and informative pages have been added. If you know a great page I should add to my links please tell me by email or by signing my guest book.
Also I would like to mention that Reptiles Mag. has been a good source
of most the information that I have place here in my page, and if they
had a home page I would definately place it in mine. I have had a
subscription since they started and without there help I might not of
been able to take as good a care of my pets that I have.
I believe that REPTILES ONLINE is the same people as REPTILE MAGAZINE
so check it out..even if it isn't it was a very good page. I am waiting
for word from them to say whether they are one and the same.
Believe me if you have any reptiles as pets you need to have this
magazine(atleast buy the copies that deal with what you have) but its
good to get them all because they have lots of good articles about
various diseases that you may need to watch for.
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Email and guessbook just been fixed.. my email changed so now using my yahoo email.