
Vacation 1998

Home of The Three Brown Bears, Papa (George) bear, Mama (Dana) bear and Baby (Evan) bear.
We live in Jacksonville, Florida, which is on the east coast near the Florida-Georgia border.
Click here to check out the weather right now.

Papa Bear works at the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office while Mama Bear works for the
City of Jacksonville's Air and Water Quality Division.  Evan Bear attends school in Jacksonville
where he is preparing for his higher education track that will take him to
the University of Florida where he will become the next Heisman Trophy recipient.  One site
Evan Bear encourages all parents to stop by is Jacksonville's Partnership For Children.

Other Links

Here are some other pages that I have created

Here is my Bow Tie Page

And here is my Wolverine Page

And here are some other links you might enjoy.

My favorite college basketball team - The Indiana Hoosiers

Another all-time favorite college football team - The Fighting Irish

The Miessau's home page

Bob and Barbara's Web World

And last but not least…


Vacation 1998


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We hope you have enjoyed your visit and will come back again as we will always try to have something new to share.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at


This page last updated 06/19/01

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