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Welcome to the Concerned Citizens home pages
The Concerned Citizens Coalition is a Non-Profit Org. Formed to preserve
our unique quality of life, and a clean and healthy Natural Environment,
For Future Generations to enjoy.
We work very closely on issues of environmental concern with other
groups such as;
Hands Across the River, Green Futures, Mass Audubon, and The Sierra
Our Group was formed due to public concerns over the proposed expansion of the New Bedford Airport
The New Bedford Airport is located in the north end of New Bedford, MA. The area is fairly rural and naturally beautiful. Unfortunately, some Businessmen and Politicians decided that our airport needs a Major Runway Extension so it can become the" Air Cargo Hub of Southeastern MA." A lot of the people in the area do not feel that this Major Project is Really Necessary. Many of us realize that our Quality of Life and our Environment, Will be Destroyed. This environmentally sensitive section of our city, which consists of wetland habitat is home to many threatened and endangered species and should not be developed, Most of the land around this airport is either conservation or residential. Both of which are incompatible with an airport, due to the tremendous amount of noise that will be generated by the large cargo jets using the airport .
Larger Airports are Major Polluters!
The Emissions from this expanded facility will probably be measured
in Tons Per Year! One two-minute take-off of a 747 emits as much as: 2.4
MILLION Lawnmowers, being run for 20 minutes! Or the equivalent of 3,000
autos! Jet exhaust also contains: Benzene, 1-3 Butadine, Formaldehyde,
and Soot, to name a few, those near the airport are exposed to double the
daily amount of toxic air pollution! Also the noise generated by the large cargo jets will be significant and will be heard over the entire area. Airports also have a nasty habit of polluting the ground
water supplies in their area, due to the deicing chemicals they use, and storm water run-off.
This project could also fill an est. 40 or so Acres of Pristine Wetlands, The Largest Wetland Fill in MA History, since the regulations were introduced! It could also alter another 180 acres. We cannot afford to lose any more of these Wetlands.
This Project could also decrease property values in the north end of New Bedford and other suburbs in Dartmouth and Acushnet as much as 30 percent. All this is being done to create jobs for our area. Is it worth the increased Noise and Toxic Air Levels in our Neighborhoods? Will we be kept awake at night so a Few Local Businesses can Ship Their Products 1 Hour Faster. Most of the airport jobs will pay 7.00 per hr. Do we really need more low paying jobs in this area? There are two major airports within 40-60 min.that can be used to ship goods now. Also there are only three Cargo Airports in the entire U.S. That Make Money (are self-sustaining), The Rest Are Supported With Tax Dollars. Will Our Taxes Be Raised ? To Support this Public Nuisance-Cargo Airport?
There is an organization called SRPEDD: (Southeastern Regional Planning&Economic Development District), They have created a task force called Vision 2020; Responsible for the Protection of our Unique Quality Of Life, and Economic Development in this area, Ironically these people could actually destroy what they have been entrusted to protect if they do not start practicing Sustainable Development principles such as, Economic Renewal, instead of Economic Development (see links below for more info on renewal)
Our Elected officials do not seem to be concerned about the Negative Impacts to the Health and Welfare of the Taxpayers that Elected them. It seems our neighboorhoods, the people in them, and environment of the area are being sold out for a few more Low Paying Jobs.
We are also looking for Legal Help: Any Interested Lawyers Environmental or Other, May E-Mail me with your advice or offers of assistance.
Please Check out my Noise Simulator for New Bedford Airport.
This Interactive Simulator Program shows the noise footprint of
an aircraft as it travels over the area. It may give you an idea of the
noise levels that will result from Much Larger Jet Aircraft Using N.B.Airport. open"footprnt.htm"
You may see some Airport community related problems here.open"problems.html"
You may see other reasons for concern here.open"reasons.html"
Links to other sites on the Web
Rocky Mtn. Institute
Worldwatch Institute
National Resource Defense Council
Noise News
RCAA Wash. Sea Tac
U.S. Dept. of Energy Sustainable Development
© 1997 jbooker@banet.net