This Is Just The Beginning

Well....Here I am. Who am I?? I am Trisha and I am 25. I live in St. Louis, MO. I am an accounting clerk at a VERY small firm. In my spare time I'm! On the computer at every free moment...chattin, surfin, chattin, did I mention chattin? I usually chat in Starlite Cafe, Cruzin Cafe, or just stroll around mIRC. There are many other chats out there...check out my links page to find one!

So...why is my home in the RainForest?? I have a very strong opinion when it comes to protecting the environment and the creatures that are forced to put up with the destruction of our earth. I think it started one Arbor Day when I was in grade school and we were given twigs from redwood trees to take home and plant. I planted it in my grandma's backyard and before I knew it, the tree was bigger than me. I felt good for planting it, because I knew that one day a bird would build its nest there. Now I make sure that I cut the little plastic holders for six-pack that they don't kill ducks, recycle aluminum and newspapers, and ALWAYS put my trash where it belongs. I hope that anyone who visits my home page will do the same...or at least become a little more responsible for the upkeep of our environment. :)

For more info about saving the environment and the creatures witin it, check out my earth page!

So what else do I do? Im an accounting clerk in a very small firm. I really enjoy it there and I am gaining a lot of experience. :)

In my free time, I enjoy listening to music...mostly alternative, but also country, classic rock, soft rock, heavy metal, some classical and opera, jazz....get the picture? :)There are some really good bands out there ...check out my links page for a few.

I am a huge fan of Walt Disney, too! I love to sit back and relax to a good Disney flick. Course I'm a kid at heart, so it makes lotz of sense! You can find some really cute links to kid stuff on my links page too!

So who do I chat with?? Find out who my friendz are by checkin out my friendz page now! These are some of the kewlest people on the net...and they have some killer links too!

Well, that's me! If you would like to chat with me some time, feel free to e-mail me:

or you can page me now to see if I am on-line...maybe we can chat now!

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If you like my page...tell me bout it here! :) And if you want to link my page to your's, make sure you email me with your addy so I can add your page to mine. :)

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You will have to bear with me......this is very new. I will be working on it as much as possible, but it will take me some time to work out all my bugs. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me.


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