[slovenski jezik]

Hallo on Open Mind Homepage

homepage cerkno GEOCITIES COMMUNITY Primary school Youth Hostel Shopping center Curch a hill called Schofie

I don't wanna talk about me on this page. As you might already realised, people who don't understand something just mock at it to hide their ignorance. As a matter of fact I found even worse ones. Because of my article dealing with marihuana I've been considered almost a Junkie and my ideas of free energy were considered as a froot of my hallucinations. I finished Faculty of Machine Design and Engineering on Ljubljana University in June 1998. Is that a froot from the same tree.
That is why I only published the picture of my home town that I'm still fond of.
My favourite hobby is karate . I think a human body and mid were developed through the fight, after all.
The only art I understand is music I like all kinds of music: hard core, strip core, metal, experimental and industrial bands, puck, rock and roll as well as blues, etno and Jazz. If it's a party I dance to POP music, too.

Here follows this ideas of a perpetuum mobile, that no one can explain. Are you the one? If you are, I'll send you a beer wherever you are from?
  • Perpetuum Mobile 1
  • Perpetuum Mobile 2 (solved)
  • Perpetuum Mobile 3
  • Perpetuum Mobile 4
  • Perpetuum Mobile 5
  • Perpetuum Mobile 6
  • Perpetuum Mobile 7
  • Perpetuum Mobile 8
  • Perpetuum Mobile 9
  • Perpetuum Mobile 10
  • Perpetuum Mobile 11
  • Perpetuum Mobile 12
  • Perpetuum Mobile 13
  • Links to some great pages, that investigates Perpetuum Mobile mashines.
    There I published some exciting knowledge that no where else can be found, but on this page:
  • Unlocking of Cylindrical and Usual Locks Without a Key and Silent Breaking Into some Cars.
  • Growing and Developing Cannabis (Marihuana, Hashish)
  • Looking for Gold, Gold Panning
    I've also written some science fiction stories. Here is one of them. Check it out!
  • Father Scientist
    At last but not at least, I wanna say about environment and Green Forest Community .

  • [send me a postcard] Noname
    Noadress 1A
    5282 Cerkno
    telephone 065 75 351
    E-mail : cirila.mocnik@guest.arnes.si

    Since February 1997, this page has seen people.

    I'd like to hear your opinion of that page as well. Tell me about it and stay connected.
    Welcome to GeoCities!