<bgsound src=" moonrivr.mid" loop=infinite>

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You are entering the territory of Rainforest 5621. Please leave your rifles at the gate. There is no use of these arms in the forest. Relax yourselves and be prepared for a pleasant and unforgettable cruise. Please treat the forests, the animals and the environment with love and affection as if they are your own dear ones, because they are wonderful creations of God and God Is Love. Please therefore, transform your heart into a granary of love and compassion.

And then

My Other Pages

Animal Summit*** My Awards*** My Alma - Mater
My Greatest Wonder*** Shadow of the Past - Myself
End of Everything*** The Story of a Tree

by Lpage

Amazon*** World Wildlife Fund
Green Peace*** Save the Endangered Species
Protect Human Rights

The author is a member of
  The HTML Writers Guild

© 1997 - 2006 skmm@hotmail.com